To finish went on with this world, I'm taking up a challenge that I have long round head, a book of Bettas. Starting Out and I visit museums, databases, associations and academies related to ichthyology, in view of the documentation required to shape the said book.
The future of this project is uncertain at the number of questions that occur to me, but they are questions to which I am finding answer, so I have decided to start over once and for all this project. I want to start with the basics, to follow a progression to farming and its intricacies, and obviously, I will genetics in many ways related, but try not deeper than necessary, for several reasons, among them not to sleep on the floor most readers, it closer to most fans and reserve the option to deepen genetics in a possible continuation, conditioned by the outcome of this project.
If you have any suggestions or is there somewhere that will resist you, try to help you and will point to deepen in the book, in order to help other students with a content close to the real problems of the amateur.
I put a list of major issues which I will address the book to facilitate questions:
-feeding behavior and reproduction
-genetic (glossary, tables of genes, punnet pictures and some data related to start breeding )
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