4. El Dorado (Brachyplatystoma flavicans). This catfish is the most appreciated for its excellent flavor, capturing the Nanay this sometimes appears to accompany the girls when they spawn, but little is known of his habit to migration and capture sites are generally located in areas San Pablo in Peru, when using large networks.
5. Peje Torres (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus). This large catfish are caught in largest rivers like the Napo and Marañon, appears throughout the Amazon, but in the Nanay is very small catch is the belief that eating them causes some allergies to some, but also is consumed by indigenous peoples and believe that eating their flesh their parrots they begin to change colors.
6. Zungaro Tigre (Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum). This catfish is almost as common as the maid, in a ratio of two to three, is abundant in the Amazon basin, in the Nanay are closely linked to the maidens, but are captured in the same river and times increasingly, is likely due to their migratory nature, and are larger for girls who can reach the metro and a half to two.
7. Vaseline (Goslinea platynema). This fish is little known, I have no information of his capture in the Nanay River, is typical of the Amazon tributaries.
8. Toa (Hemisorubim platyrhinchos). This species is common in the Amazon and its tributaries can be fished on the Nanay River basin, are the damsels smaller but abundant in deep water rivers.
9. Ucayalensis Ageneiosus loudmouth. This species belongs to the family of Ageneiosidae, are very numerous in the depths of rivers, are easily caught in the pools of the Nanay River Basin in the daytime, especially in the first and last hours of the day, are voracious carnivores but small size barely one kilogram.
10. Sorubim Shiripira file. There are several species and are found in all the tributaries of the Amazon, its size reaches 40 cms. and highly appreciated by the natives for its pleasant taste.
11. Ashara (Leiarius marmoratus). This species is found throughout Nanay basin, is often seen in the shallow parts of rivers in the ebb of the river, is very good to eat and plenty of fat, when consumed with the Indians in boiled cassava.
As you are driving to the kind of zungaro Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum with induced breeding in IIAP facilities, other species are also equally important for its originality and exoticism, are in small quantities but often are caught in the Amazon with large networks in their children's sizes are listed as ornamental but in larger size are used in marketing for human consumption, meat prized precisely by the emergence of fry girl with a simple, consisting of the union of egg and sperm of the species liquid in a container. According to calculations by researchers at the IIAP, a zúngaro depending on size can provide around half a million eggs, imagine what it could achieve the hatching and development to those half-million adults, the following calculations would also be amazing. Has achieved the artificial reproduction of the maiden Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum by hormonal induction using carp pituitary and ovudal (D-alanine 6). It was determined that female virgins are an average of 1 204 eggs per gram of eggs, and found that this species grows very well in its first larval stage (10 days) fed on zooplankton (Daphnia, CICLOPS, etc.).
Experimental Studies in the IIAP of zúngaro usable not only exquisite meat, you can also make shoes, handbags and leather straps of his skin. Given the scarcity of fish and the continued depletion of fisheries resources, management and breeding is an economic alternative zúngaro with multiple benefits: for example, can make products for export. With regard to its nesting areas, while no-fishing is allowed, the zúngaro can continue playing indefinitely as it has done for millennia. It is therefore essential to maintain the ban on commercial fishing during the spawning season decreed by the Regional Government of Loreto, since this species is highly vulnerable, especially in their natural reproductive period where they are easy to catch hundreds up to thousands.
- Protect zúngaro by special closures,
- Carry out comprehensive studies in the wild,
- Perform management projects on a larger scale
- Encourage planting commercial fish farms,
- Prohibit traffic fry,
- Declaring the Great Book of the Amazon Catfish the area between the Native Community of Alvarado to the east of the Rio Nanay.
- Declare ban on capturing the species Phractocephalus hemioliopterus or commonly called Pez Torres.
http://www.camisea.com.pe/esp/download/Fotos% 20Inf% 20Final% 20Peces.pdf
http://www.iiap.org.pe/publicaciones/folias/folia12/folia% 2012% 20completa.pdf
* Board Member of the Institute for Alternative Social Development Programs.
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