Friday, June 12, 2009

Preston And Steve Orgasm Clip

Food for Bettas

Good, I got an order of food and plenty around me, and I sell a little of everything. Click on images to expand and contact through e-enabled E-MAIL this , shipments certified mail. SHIPPING IN AND OUT OF SPAIN.

Atison Food (the famous Atison Betta for those who still do not know), 75 grams, 5 euros. (AVAILABLE)

Atison Food

Atison Pro (professional version Atison Food) sell it in bulk. 10 grams 1.5 euros, 20 euros 2.5 grams, 40 grams 4 euros, 75 euros ... 6.5 g

Atison Pro

Betta Starter (powder version of pro atison to fry), 12gr boat, 6.5 euros

Betta Starter

Instant Baby (live brine shrimp in aqueous solution, to when crops fail and we fry, lasts 7 days after opening) 13.5 euros

Instant Baby

Betta Spa (for Bettas Water conditioner) I have only 1, 5.5 euros.

Betta Spa

decapsulated Artemia ocean nutrition (being decapsulated occlusion prevents the ingestion of capsules) (produce enough shrimp, about 10 times more profitable than classic brand sales in all stores that comes in samples of 20 grs ...) 20 g 3.5 euros, 50 g 7 euros, 100 gr 12 euros.




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