Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Coloring Pages Of Monster Energy Drink

The father raising and living with their young

[ By Kerberin ]

In this case the objective is to obtain a limited number bettas, so it is exactly contrary to the generally recommended for large proposals:

gravel is used in the aquarium

not reduced the level of water (24 cm to 28 liters)

father is left to live with as long as the fry
The method described here is based on a technique applied by a farmer named Derrick Singapore Kuah, which is described by BettySplendens in the article "Leaving Method Fry With Father." It is said that fish reared in this way turn out to be stronger, grow faster and become better parents, however, check this task reliably is done.


28 liters, planted with Anubias and Microsorium mainly lechuguilla addition of water and Cladophora, lid with two openings of 2 cm approx. at the ends, heater set at 28 degrees Celsius at the start of laying and remained at 27 per month approx. of age the fry. Behavior


to the fry and did not fit in his mouth (a week approx.) Always tried to capture them and place them near the nest, without chasing them, only took those that remained stationary. Never observed to eat anyone, but some eggs may be regulating this behavior as it is expected that the male eggs removed non-fertile or contaminated.

Once the fry swim dominate the landscape, the only male on the fry abruptly if you block your path or if they eat too close to him. At no time did I notice that the attack, even come to nibble the anal and caudal fin without obtaining an aggressive response, reason why I separate the father at 7 weeks approx. of age the fry. At this point it is best to also separate the males from the start, leaving only one with females. If allowed only females in the aquarium they begin to fight to establish a new hierarchy.

behavior of juveniles:

Fingerlings avoided at all times remain in the way of the father, this was done since it controlled the horizontal swimming. Small fights between juveniles ended almost as soon initiated and unharmed, and that ended when his father passed near them.

obtained an average of 7 fish, the percentage of males and females depends on the age of the parents (see Notes for breeding).


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