Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cover Letter To Jewellery Shop


E his article is intended to explain various techniques of incitement with which they can afford, generally, the tedious problem that sometimes breaks scheduled crossings, I mean these times in which our dogs are not ready to play, for reasons other than age or sexual maturity of the specimen.

The techniques described below should not be taken as an effective method 100% because that is not possible, but they are techniques that give a fairly high success rate against hopeless situations.

Before entering the field, it is necessary to introduce the main reasons for a copy of the work is not playing. The first thing to note is the purpose of sexual development at the biological level (where month of life if there is no growth retardation) that mark the physical capacity of fish to reproduction but in a stage of sexual immaturity.

arrived at the third month of life, whether physical development delays are not logged in, we found that the fish is mature enough to play but have no optimum size for the junction conditions. The optimum size for the crossing is 4-5 cm fish in order to obtain the specimens with a good physique, which does not mean they can not come across before, although that should not be to get the best result. The completion of stage of sexual development is linked to physical development of the fish, thus the conclusion of this stage should be between 5 th and 6 th month of life (according to some ichthyologists, this fullness can be concluded at 9 months of life, although not venture far into details about the disagreement, it may be a fact based influenced by the inclusion of some new data to study (such as definition or character of the individual training) or the average error be provided by independent studies each based on different samples and different characteristics, or other criteria have primacy study).

Importantly, the excess of maturity in the fish, or in other words, the moment our Bettas start to behave as unsociable reluctant to reproduction and low propensity to interact, often reaching 2 years of age exemplary behavior but is usually associated with females (males usually have a calmer behavior in the last stage, which does not mean the disappearance of aggression or conflict with other fish, but a less active but not averse to playing).

The difference in size between individuals is sometimes very crucial, in particular must take into account that the greater the size difference more difficult to cross, but does not mean that you can not make crosses between Bettas of different sizes; not be confused with the sex ratio calculation published by dr. Gene Lucas, which reveals the impact on the sex ratio (the ratio of males and females of each set) by combining young and old specimens, which did not involve crosses between issues of youth and adult size of 2 months .. . This essay refers to age and not the size, so we should not commit the imprudence of trying across an adult with a copy to a newly sexed.

There are several methods of incitement of copies, often based on instinct, but we can use chemistry and biochemistry to do so or to supplement promoting incitement. Instead of simplifying the various methods and its basic principle (instinct, chemistry, biochemistry, or combinations thereof) will try to explain the basic method I use for this purpose and the principles that govern it, and then introduce various techniques for reinforcement incitement, which from my point of view, only be applied after the failure of the basic technique, as this latter is more effective and provides the steps prior to crossing safely Bettas.

preparations to start

L or first is to ensure the minimum of preparation for each set; aquarium with maximum water depth of 18-20 cm, warm temperature (I prefer high temperatures and its effect on the sex ratio) Many plants or cuttings (cuttings prefer Potos), no substrate or filtration, clean water, without any partner, whether fish or invertebrates, aquarium lighting and a setup wizard (before the glass used Isopor, but for time employment cork trays (like those that bring the products of deli or butcher) by its larger size), food used to raise the start, treatment to recover the fins (Ektozon hobby is the ultimate healing ),...

Basic Technique to encourage players and facilitate safe crossing

-the basic technique, the first run is to show the female, it is putting in the same tank protected by a separator or hosting it in a boat clear and the boat in the aquarium the male.

, if unresponsive to see a female that you have chosen for him, puts other females in other boats and the Aquarium of the male as well.

, if continued without nest, remove all boats less female to reproduce, prepare 1 jar again and put a male in the boat to the aquarium next to the female (sometimes only they need to compete with another male)

-if it does not work, remove the pot male instigator, puts the player in a pot, the pot inside the aquarium, released another male in the aquarium and put the boats together

-If it still does not nest, it's time to let him of inciting male a shock to the female to play in the eyes of the male to reproduce, then remove the male instigator, you put the female in a boat and drop the male to reproduce must be noted that after applying each technique at least 30 minutes, you remove any male or female on the loose aquarium and let loose the male to reproduce, and will be easier to start making nests, ie, apply the technique and then leave it as the beginning, male and female boat loose in the aquarium. Some solutions are added in order to encourage and use extra sheets or vitamins as Terminalita fishtamin Sera. It is important to keep the temperature at least 27-28 ° C.

Other resources incitement

E here are many resources to draw on to encourage our dogs, highlight some of these resources with any degree of effectiveness, although it is best to use them in case of failure of the technique described above, as this technique is more effective.

1) Monsoon artificial: We turned to recreate conditions of temperature characteristics of the monsoon, with sudden drops in temperature to be done with restraint, ie must not exceed the temperature drops, the duration or intensity.

With the aquarium temperature to about 30-32AC, aquarium of a volume of 20-30 liters, add 2-3 liters of tap water (if we use water in winter to a temperature according to the exercise, 21 -22AC to be very baja.Podemos use a garden sprinkler water to blend and mix gently poured the surface of the tank with the oxygen created by falling water difuminada.No apply this technique more than 3 times in one day and never within 2 hours after recovery from the initial temperature inside the tank.

2) natural hormonal stimulation: When our Bettas are prompted, secrete hormones that will "identify" against other individuals, hormones also serve to entice the opposite sex (the tools of nature). You may use these hormones secreted to encourage the player desired by the breeder.

The collection and distribution is as simple as bubbles collect exemplary "incite" or "Donor hormones" with a mesh, in fact, the bubbles that secrete our Bettas by rising to surface. Once collected enough bubbles exemplary "Incite" to the screen (typical for our fish capture), the deposited on the specimen container to incite.

Some notes of interest on this technique:

-Hormones act as a symbol of identity, to develop a practical exercise in which to experience the phenomenon:

* Prepare Bettas 2 posts at once, in different tanks

* Once both copies have built the nest, remove and isolate the aquarium, letting you see some female (must be in individual pots, both male and female).

* Exercise A: we put the male in the aquarium 1 1 (his) after 24 hours, put the pot of the female in the aquarium and let them make the nest.

* Exercise B: we put the male in the aquarium 1 male 2 (or the male in the aquarium 2 1) (obviously not the 2 males will put together, but you have to do the 2 exercises (A and B) different times)

* The likely result of the activity A 1 is that the male makes the nest in the same place where the nest was the day before, continuing its construction (with an effectiveness of 80%, ie 8, 10 cases the specimen continues to build its old nest) * The

expected outcome is most likely that the male 1, being introduced to the tank the male 2 (or vice versa), make their nests anywhere in the aquarium, which is unfavorable or low planted it, except in the place housing the rival male's nest or near it.

3) Finally, identify various techniques to be applied from very young by the breeder, in order to "train" the behavior of their Bettas to become "players." Equally important, both to keep them constantly encouraged to avoid the stress associated with confinement of male populations, isolation designing shared spaces (Betta multiple and cages) to keep both males and females, allowing each specimen to see in front, back and sides, so we alternate between male and female accommodation, as:


Thus, visual contact between males is less tense and direct contact with individuals of the opposite sex helps the continued encouragement of all Bettas kept under this system. Moreover, as I said before, stress reduces the risk considerably.



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