Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wedding Program Wording With Deceased Family

Wanted php maker

Hi, I'm looking for someone with knowledge of php and mysql, reason: php scripting access to mysql database, to support a service in the Blog. Possible creation of scripts of the same nature for new breeders draft Bettas international, small to support web services.

For blog would be a small participation to the project farmers (Bettanature), possibly joining the team (paid at the time they have income and therefore beneficial sharing) under the Board of Directors voting in according to the assessment of the work (and thus its future usefulness to the project) or other agreement under agreed conditions with the creator of scripts.

not require a high level programming, but will be assessed.

Thanks in advance


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bleeding A Week After Period Ends

Tutorial "How to cross your Bettas (4): 25 Classic Mistakes"


Here you have the 4 th installment of the series How to cross your Bettas entitled 25 classic mistakes



Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Coloring Pages Of Monster Energy Drink

The father raising and living with their young

[ By Kerberin ]

In this case the objective is to obtain a limited number bettas, so it is exactly contrary to the generally recommended for large proposals:

gravel is used in the aquarium

not reduced the level of water (24 cm to 28 liters)

father is left to live with as long as the fry
The method described here is based on a technique applied by a farmer named Derrick Singapore Kuah, which is described by BettySplendens in the article "Leaving Method Fry With Father." It is said that fish reared in this way turn out to be stronger, grow faster and become better parents, however, check this task reliably is done.


28 liters, planted with Anubias and Microsorium mainly lechuguilla addition of water and Cladophora, lid with two openings of 2 cm approx. at the ends, heater set at 28 degrees Celsius at the start of laying and remained at 27 per month approx. of age the fry. Behavior


to the fry and did not fit in his mouth (a week approx.) Always tried to capture them and place them near the nest, without chasing them, only took those that remained stationary. Never observed to eat anyone, but some eggs may be regulating this behavior as it is expected that the male eggs removed non-fertile or contaminated.

Once the fry swim dominate the landscape, the only male on the fry abruptly if you block your path or if they eat too close to him. At no time did I notice that the attack, even come to nibble the anal and caudal fin without obtaining an aggressive response, reason why I separate the father at 7 weeks approx. of age the fry. At this point it is best to also separate the males from the start, leaving only one with females. If allowed only females in the aquarium they begin to fight to establish a new hierarchy.

behavior of juveniles:

Fingerlings avoided at all times remain in the way of the father, this was done since it controlled the horizontal swimming. Small fights between juveniles ended almost as soon initiated and unharmed, and that ended when his father passed near them.

obtained an average of 7 fish, the percentage of males and females depends on the age of the parents (see Notes for breeding).

Friday, June 12, 2009

Preston And Steve Orgasm Clip

Food for Bettas

Good, I got an order of food and plenty around me, and I sell a little of everything. Click on images to expand and contact through e-enabled E-MAIL this , shipments certified mail. SHIPPING IN AND OUT OF SPAIN.

Atison Food (the famous Atison Betta for those who still do not know), 75 grams, 5 euros. (AVAILABLE)

Atison Food

Atison Pro (professional version Atison Food) sell it in bulk. 10 grams 1.5 euros, 20 euros 2.5 grams, 40 grams 4 euros, 75 euros ... 6.5 g

Atison Pro

Betta Starter (powder version of pro atison to fry), 12gr boat, 6.5 euros

Betta Starter

Instant Baby (live brine shrimp in aqueous solution, to when crops fail and we fry, lasts 7 days after opening) 13.5 euros

Instant Baby

Betta Spa (for Bettas Water conditioner) I have only 1, 5.5 euros.

Betta Spa

decapsulated Artemia ocean nutrition (being decapsulated occlusion prevents the ingestion of capsules) (produce enough shrimp, about 10 times more profitable than classic brand sales in all stores that comes in samples of 20 grs ...) 20 g 3.5 euros, 50 g 7 euros, 100 gr 12 euros.



Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cover Letter To Jewellery Shop


E his article is intended to explain various techniques of incitement with which they can afford, generally, the tedious problem that sometimes breaks scheduled crossings, I mean these times in which our dogs are not ready to play, for reasons other than age or sexual maturity of the specimen.

The techniques described below should not be taken as an effective method 100% because that is not possible, but they are techniques that give a fairly high success rate against hopeless situations.

Before entering the field, it is necessary to introduce the main reasons for a copy of the work is not playing. The first thing to note is the purpose of sexual development at the biological level (where month of life if there is no growth retardation) that mark the physical capacity of fish to reproduction but in a stage of sexual immaturity.

arrived at the third month of life, whether physical development delays are not logged in, we found that the fish is mature enough to play but have no optimum size for the junction conditions. The optimum size for the crossing is 4-5 cm fish in order to obtain the specimens with a good physique, which does not mean they can not come across before, although that should not be to get the best result. The completion of stage of sexual development is linked to physical development of the fish, thus the conclusion of this stage should be between 5 th and 6 th month of life (according to some ichthyologists, this fullness can be concluded at 9 months of life, although not venture far into details about the disagreement, it may be a fact based influenced by the inclusion of some new data to study (such as definition or character of the individual training) or the average error be provided by independent studies each based on different samples and different characteristics, or other criteria have primacy study).

Importantly, the excess of maturity in the fish, or in other words, the moment our Bettas start to behave as unsociable reluctant to reproduction and low propensity to interact, often reaching 2 years of age exemplary behavior but is usually associated with females (males usually have a calmer behavior in the last stage, which does not mean the disappearance of aggression or conflict with other fish, but a less active but not averse to playing).

The difference in size between individuals is sometimes very crucial, in particular must take into account that the greater the size difference more difficult to cross, but does not mean that you can not make crosses between Bettas of different sizes; not be confused with the sex ratio calculation published by dr. Gene Lucas, which reveals the impact on the sex ratio (the ratio of males and females of each set) by combining young and old specimens, which did not involve crosses between issues of youth and adult size of 2 months .. . This essay refers to age and not the size, so we should not commit the imprudence of trying across an adult with a copy to a newly sexed.

There are several methods of incitement of copies, often based on instinct, but we can use chemistry and biochemistry to do so or to supplement promoting incitement. Instead of simplifying the various methods and its basic principle (instinct, chemistry, biochemistry, or combinations thereof) will try to explain the basic method I use for this purpose and the principles that govern it, and then introduce various techniques for reinforcement incitement, which from my point of view, only be applied after the failure of the basic technique, as this latter is more effective and provides the steps prior to crossing safely Bettas.

preparations to start

L or first is to ensure the minimum of preparation for each set; aquarium with maximum water depth of 18-20 cm, warm temperature (I prefer high temperatures and its effect on the sex ratio) Many plants or cuttings (cuttings prefer Potos), no substrate or filtration, clean water, without any partner, whether fish or invertebrates, aquarium lighting and a setup wizard (before the glass used Isopor, but for time employment cork trays (like those that bring the products of deli or butcher) by its larger size), food used to raise the start, treatment to recover the fins (Ektozon hobby is the ultimate healing ),...

Basic Technique to encourage players and facilitate safe crossing

-the basic technique, the first run is to show the female, it is putting in the same tank protected by a separator or hosting it in a boat clear and the boat in the aquarium the male.

, if unresponsive to see a female that you have chosen for him, puts other females in other boats and the Aquarium of the male as well.

, if continued without nest, remove all boats less female to reproduce, prepare 1 jar again and put a male in the boat to the aquarium next to the female (sometimes only they need to compete with another male)

-if it does not work, remove the pot male instigator, puts the player in a pot, the pot inside the aquarium, released another male in the aquarium and put the boats together

-If it still does not nest, it's time to let him of inciting male a shock to the female to play in the eyes of the male to reproduce, then remove the male instigator, you put the female in a boat and drop the male to reproduce must be noted that after applying each technique at least 30 minutes, you remove any male or female on the loose aquarium and let loose the male to reproduce, and will be easier to start making nests, ie, apply the technique and then leave it as the beginning, male and female boat loose in the aquarium. Some solutions are added in order to encourage and use extra sheets or vitamins as Terminalita fishtamin Sera. It is important to keep the temperature at least 27-28 ° C.

Other resources incitement

E here are many resources to draw on to encourage our dogs, highlight some of these resources with any degree of effectiveness, although it is best to use them in case of failure of the technique described above, as this technique is more effective.

1) Monsoon artificial: We turned to recreate conditions of temperature characteristics of the monsoon, with sudden drops in temperature to be done with restraint, ie must not exceed the temperature drops, the duration or intensity.

With the aquarium temperature to about 30-32AC, aquarium of a volume of 20-30 liters, add 2-3 liters of tap water (if we use water in winter to a temperature according to the exercise, 21 -22AC to be very baja.Podemos use a garden sprinkler water to blend and mix gently poured the surface of the tank with the oxygen created by falling water difuminada.No apply this technique more than 3 times in one day and never within 2 hours after recovery from the initial temperature inside the tank.

2) natural hormonal stimulation: When our Bettas are prompted, secrete hormones that will "identify" against other individuals, hormones also serve to entice the opposite sex (the tools of nature). You may use these hormones secreted to encourage the player desired by the breeder.

The collection and distribution is as simple as bubbles collect exemplary "incite" or "Donor hormones" with a mesh, in fact, the bubbles that secrete our Bettas by rising to surface. Once collected enough bubbles exemplary "Incite" to the screen (typical for our fish capture), the deposited on the specimen container to incite.

Some notes of interest on this technique:

-Hormones act as a symbol of identity, to develop a practical exercise in which to experience the phenomenon:

* Prepare Bettas 2 posts at once, in different tanks

* Once both copies have built the nest, remove and isolate the aquarium, letting you see some female (must be in individual pots, both male and female).

* Exercise A: we put the male in the aquarium 1 1 (his) after 24 hours, put the pot of the female in the aquarium and let them make the nest.

* Exercise B: we put the male in the aquarium 1 male 2 (or the male in the aquarium 2 1) (obviously not the 2 males will put together, but you have to do the 2 exercises (A and B) different times)

* The likely result of the activity A 1 is that the male makes the nest in the same place where the nest was the day before, continuing its construction (with an effectiveness of 80%, ie 8, 10 cases the specimen continues to build its old nest) * The

expected outcome is most likely that the male 1, being introduced to the tank the male 2 (or vice versa), make their nests anywhere in the aquarium, which is unfavorable or low planted it, except in the place housing the rival male's nest or near it.

3) Finally, identify various techniques to be applied from very young by the breeder, in order to "train" the behavior of their Bettas to become "players." Equally important, both to keep them constantly encouraged to avoid the stress associated with confinement of male populations, isolation designing shared spaces (Betta multiple and cages) to keep both males and females, allowing each specimen to see in front, back and sides, so we alternate between male and female accommodation, as:


Thus, visual contact between males is less tense and direct contact with individuals of the opposite sex helps the continued encouragement of all Bettas kept under this system. Moreover, as I said before, stress reduces the risk considerably.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mirena Iud Cost In India

Establish a Scientific Method in your studies

If you intend to make or behavioral research, genetics, taxonomy and biology in general, to obtain a result as adjusted to reality as possible is essential to develop a methodology to follow, in order to establish a scientific method to certify the accuracy of the results of your study.

purpose of establishing a scientific method in your studies:

The rationale of the scientific method lies in studying the phenomenon to reveal reality, to understand the environment in which it develops and disclose or operation stages of the studied phenomenon.

basic structure A scientific method for our studies acuarófilos:

then enumerate the main points and introduce some tips to manage optimally.

1) Observe :

The basis of all study revolves around the observation, both the precedents of the study (observations invite us to develop a hypothesis, hypothesis which we started to conduct the study) and the events that occur in the course of the study.

2) Form a hypothesis:

Hypothesis must conform to logic, that is, develop a hypothesis through realistic conclusions, the result of data collected in the preliminary observations.

3) Experimentation / Study of the phenomenon:

To verify, discard or adjust to the reality of the scenario, creating a true theory, this hypothesis must be subject to continuous study, covering all influential data on the phenomenon (determinants) and isolating the study unrelated data (Factors Safer for the study for not influence the results thereof).

4) Data collection:

This point is fundamental to the study, establishing a methodology for the study and isolate factors Determinants of Safer.

For this, it is mandatory to define more depth with these two terms:

a) Determinants :

All those whose value falls significantly in the final outcome of the study and, therefore, are factors to consider in their different valid values \u200b\u200b(range of values \u200b\u200bthat must be studied for its effect on the study, ignoring the values \u200b\u200bthat have no effect whatsoever on the outcome of the study).

b) Factors Safer:

are those without any influence to the final outcome of the study, as would be the factor "color of the fish for the Study" Proliferation of bacterial populations in the aquarium. "

is equally important to spend time and study their different values \u200b\u200band their impact on the outcome of the study to rule out a factor in that study, Factor labeling it Safe. Also, always consider the possibility that there are factors not included in the study, whose different values \u200b\u200binfluence the final result of it.

At this point, all the determinants stabilize, leaving them in balance or at minimum, as appropriate, forming what is known as "control point", ie a reference to the interaction of the Determinants of the phenomenon studied.

To proceed, introduce a simple example which I'll linking with examples of terms that appear, well, we set the example of previous study, "The proliferation of bacterial populations in the aquarium." In any study

we consider each factor in this study, we must not focus our attention exclusively on collecting data on the evolution of bacterial populations and their relation to the different temperatures, if our study tries to reveal the origin of the phenomenon (the proliferation of bacteria in the aquarium) or to confirm the influence of temperature on this phenomenon. It is essential for the proper conduct of the study to consider all the factors with direct influence on the study (eg, Ph, Gh, Kh, oxygenation, water chemistry, filtration, substrate ,...).

Given this approach, including 2 Study methods, ie, 2 methods for organizing the experiment

d) Reduced Method:

is a smaller experiment with some success, as the data collection is accurate but very limited, to reduce the workload and reduce the duration of the study. To this end, Study Determinants considered outside the main focus of the experiment (eg, GH, KH, filter, substrate, pH ,...) be maintained with a fixed value throughout the experiment, trying to fix a value The leave balance if applicable (eg, pH = 7, without filtering, without substrate ,...). To balance the temperature (not advisable, since it's influence all the phenomena that occur in the aquarium and therefore should always be considered as possible determinants), we turn to the calculation of the mean, based on the range of acceptable values \u200b\u200b( assuming an acceptable temperature range for health reasons, of 24-30 º C, where 27 º C would be the average, this concept is applicable to other factors that are subject a range of known values.)

e) Method Extended:
This method is relegated
researchers time and resources, as well as a cluster of research groups (distribution task among many members that after the organization is centralized, to expedite the study.)

In this way you reach for the highest possible level of precision in the studies, exponentially complicating the work of experimental design and its full implementation (experiments, data collection and analysis thereof).

Broadly it comes to all independent experiments directly relevant to the study, based on the determinants of study, so we will have to study the properties of each determinant factor from the point of control testing it work each determinant factor keeping the rest of Determinants in balance or minimum (as appropriate).

A practical example, if we study certain phenomenon for which Determinants estimate the pH, temperature and the electroconductivity, we set the control point (pH = 7, temp = lower the acceptable range for the study and electroconductivity minimum, 0 ppm), then began working separately, keeping the rest in balance. For example, studying the values \u200b\u200b10.20, 50,100,150,200 ppm of the electroconductivity, while pH was maintained at 7 and the temperature to the minimum value of the valid range for the study. Having completed the experiments on the properties of the electroconductivity, we should establish a 0 ppm again and start with the following determinants, such as temperature.

Once we're done with the properties of each factor, touch analyze the relationships between determinants, which means again complicate the work:

proceed to study the behavior of 2 of the determining factors in their different values, keeping the rest of Determinants in balance.

In our practical example, we have the control point (what a metaphor would be all to 0), the properties of each (all at 0 least we studied), so we start with "all at 0 "and the factors to consider to" 1. " We understand the value 0 least where 1 is the next value from the bottom.

Therefore, ph leave it to 7 (neutral value = minimum value in this case) and began to study the relationship temperature = 24 ° C <-> EC = 10 ppm, 24 ° C <-> 20 ppm, 24 ° C <-> 50ppm, 24 º C <-> 100 ppm, 24 ° C <-> 150 ppm, 24 ° C <-> 200 ppm.

Then the next value, temperature 25 º C <-> 10 ppm, 25 ° C <-> 20 ppm, 25 ° C <-> 50 ppm, 25 ° C <-> 100 ppm, 25 ° C <-> 150 ppm, 25 ° C <-> 200 ppm.

So we will continue until 30 º C (if 30 ° C is the maximum accepted into the study) <-> 200 ppm (the maximum established in the study) at this time we will have studied all the relationships between these 2 factors and spend another couple that we have not studied.

To 1 Studio determinants A, B, and C, will study relationships between the pairs AB, AC, BC.

Once the study of the relationships we will continue moving up the complexity of the model, studying the relationship between total factor, following the model of relations between factors.

To 1 Studio determinants A, B and C, should be studied both factors A, B and C (ABC), modifying only 1 factor in each new experiment.

Note: To increase the accuracy of the study without excluding factors that may affect the phenomenon, alone or in combination with others is important to remember that chemical reactions are key in this sense, therefore, can not be ruled 1 Factor for apparent safety of the phenomenon from the point of control to compare the behavior of the properties of this factor, even though we do not get changes through this factor in relations with other determinant factors of the Study. (As a practical example, GH may have been discarded by mistake of the study, as total hardness salts a determining influence in a study involving monitoring the electroconductivity, although initially we considered that the phenomenon did not influence ...).

For a complete study on the factors listed as Safe are such a thing, everyone must be subjected to study and its conclusions will be where real data are discarded.

5) Remove the conclusions of the study:

The aim of the study will reveal the phenomenon, therefore, should study the data and find significant changes in the studied phenomenon, developing a monitoring developments it through various securities purchased by Determinants. Only so we conclude the influence or safety factors to the phenomenon studied.

6) External factors:

an external factor that study is beyond the control of the study but that hits the same, usually in a negligible percentage (1 - 5%). If an external factor influencing conclusively to study at a rate greater than 5%, we must consider as determining factors (usually external factors are environmental factors in the case of genetic studies will have to take them into account, because environmental factors affect quantitative inheritance in populations.

7) The exception that breaks the rule:

The aim of the studies is to obtain a pattern of the experiments, which will result in the theory that generates, along with the initial hypothesis, the rule governing the phenomenon under study.

This rule will be the support of the theory developed, based on data from the study, but the effectiveness of the rule is likely to be 100%, except for cases which do not conform to the rule. Such cases, if not pass the 1% compared to the rest are expected anomalies considered, "exceptions to the rule" developed.

If the percentage is greater than 1% of the cases, it will review the study, seeking to adjust the rule we have developed to calculate the phenomenon.

8) Overcrowding data:

To give valid data collected by each experiment in the studio, not enough to make these experiments a symbolic number of times, because the accuracy is the average of values \u200b\u200bobtained in the experiment and this implies that the greater the number of times an experiment is conducted, the greater the extent and accuracy achieved by the resulting average, this means, in short, that 1000 runs from 1 experiment will half more in line with the fact that 3 runs of the media.

This point, along with the complexity of a study of the phenomenon using the method Extended life make the creation of several parallel study groups with which streamline the workload and play the same experiment in different locations to try to banish from the average environmental factors.