Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sc And Sk Blend Words


By: Mario Barreto Luis Serrano *

ancestral Amazonian populations, legitimate heirs of the Amazon, who in many cases defended with their lives now face a slow demise of ethnic groups, with the consequent loss of valuable cultures, however, the benefits of oil exploitation, are still moving to completely different segments of the Amazon, condemning them to an uncertain future, being easy to understand, the very poor socio-economic situation in which are: a mandatory coexistence with various vector-borne diseases, increased HIV infections, hepatitis B, poor school performance with high rates of truancy, etc., etc.

is common to hear today, news of corruption of senior officials, which explains, because there is concern by this problem, there is no policy of respect and attention to indigenous peoples. Who defends?, When issuing certain Emergency Decree, "satisfy whom?, Ascertain that flow of financing viable indigenous peoples today, best example is in the Emergency Decree No. 028-2006, 085 - 2009 and 026-2010, which creates the Executive Groups, which, despite more than five years of its establishment, the Regional Government of Loreto has not signed any agreement with executing unit, although there have been a hundred of them, On the other hand there is satisfaction of the Central Government, which takes no steps to run this Decree as corresponds to the Urgent.

This is an example of marginalization and neglect, indifference and political manipulation to move away from indigenous peoples' initiatives, and there are many others that fall short of space for display, but skips over the figures for lack of basic services or no participation in housing programs such as the few programs are designed for political or partisan purposes, what political interest in developing the Amazonian populations?, anyone!

In this proposal, is to match the existing inequality in something, how, the true heirs of the natural wealth of the Amazon, to improve their social and economic life, access to natural resources, is fair and equitable among all ethnic ancestral, as opposed to a scenario without such conditions.

is not considered to include schemes in favor of indigenous peoples, the draft Law of Forestry and Wildlife No. 04141/2009-PE only alienate the legitimate heirs of their own resources natural, more injustices promoted as if nothing had changed, that is, a law based on the previous Law No. 27308 or 1090, just adding some business and government proposals, which have a design, totally different from that of indigenous people, the true protectors of the Amazon. Articles 77, 78 º, 79 º, 80 º, 81 º, 82 º, 83 º, 84 º, 85 º and 86 º, are shy solutions that demonstrate the inequality, which seeks to treat indigenous peoples, these articles lack depth and justice for that reason it is imperative to a substantial change in the design of the Act, which reflects the true feelings of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon.

In Nanay basin, there are communities that have organized independent achievements of great importance, what we have used, so that various institutions have received awards and recognition as "good government practices "or" successful projects ", too; outside nanaínos these awards have failed to protect its territory, calling for the creation of a Regional Conservation Area, expel gold miners, illegal loggers, squatters, eradication of harmful practices for ecology and other scars, which are unique achievements these unknown actors, it is therefore important common area, in pursuit of their development, without effort on proposals that it is not possible, since the problems described above, are no strangers to the representative of the ethnic sector Iquitos, Cocama, Bora and others that are living displaced toward more livable places. On the other hand, it is important to note that the Nanay River basin, provides drinking water to about five hundred (500,000) thousand, in the city of Iquitos, but no authority has been concerned about protecting it, or create awareness on the surrounding population.

also has been promoting the creation of new regional conservation areas in other basins in the region, but lack of legal safeguards to which its future reserved area, impact on direct benefits to their populations, these areas are excellent lungs carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation. Indigenous people have in the ACRs true sources of natural resource protection, reaching interests of global concern.

For this reason, various communities, proposed to the Land Commission of Congress, including an additional degree in Law, to correct the present, we think of others and damaging to our rights, centralist approaches promote only pro-capitalist, in contravention of a warning is written in the biblical book of Ezekiel: "The ruling will not take anything from the inheritance of the people, depriving it of its possession. "

In this regard, we propose the inclusion in the new Law on Forestry and Wildlife No. 04141/2009-PE, of the following promotional, to develop the Amazonian people, for this purpose , adding a title called promotional Development Indigenous Peoples including, inter alia, the following: Preferred access to natural resources, respect the customary rights of indigenous territory Sanitation legal, tax benefits for environmental services of the bank building indigenous forest, forest management plans and simplified self; Right promotional funds and the creation of the Office Promotional Resources for Indigenous Peoples, which is being achieved to the Land Commission to be taken into account.

So, to pretend to the approval of the above project, regardless of the interests of indigenous peoples would constitute a legal aberration, we expect Congressman Messrs. not occurred but that this consultation is the beginning of a new way of making laws, to consider indigenous peoples as human beings with rights like any Peruvian wherever established, each with culture and heritage has been applied.

* Advisory Coordinating Native and Rural Communities Basin member of the Nanay and Iquitos ethnicity.


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