Thursday, December 9, 2010

Brazilian Wax After D&c


Article 1: Rights, obligations and general principles

Proposals New Beginnings:

HEREDAD 1 .- establishes a fundamental principle that indigenous peoples are the heirs of the Amazon territories and natural resources both theirs as much as the Peruvian state itself. the sense of heritage of indigenous peoples should be entitled property (direct inheritance) and ancestrally occupied (shared inheritance).

2 FAIR ACCESS TO NATURAL RESOURCES .- establishes a fundamental principle, fair access and controlled natural resources within and outside the territories qualified or not indigenous peoples, provided that do not overlap on the rights of other populations, ie those that are nearest to the place of extraction of the resource advantage, debiéndose establish internal regulations or communal federation.

3 COMPENSATION AND COMPENSATION .- Each community or ancestral people have rights to fair and adequate compensation and damages environmental lands and ancestral territories.

Article 3. Scope

4 Catches and hunting of wildlife by dealers within the forestry and tourism concessions granted by the authority.

Section 5. Heritage Forest and Wildlife of the Nation "and communities"

5 "... and the communities ..."

Article 34. EEZ and OT

1 The degree and extension of communities is a state policy that guarantees strict compliance with the legal physical healing.

Article 55: Adoption and monitoring of management plans with CITES specimens

6 The State guarantees a priority the training of communities to manage and conserve resources through a natural body that ensures the training and technical assistance for sustainable use of natural resources that must be guaranteed by a financial institution in indigenous law.

Article 56: Management plans for extraction methods of small-scale community land

1 Management plans should be simplified

Section 68: Permits logging on lands of indigenous communities and peasant

7 municipalities authorize the use of wood for rural housing programs and require management plans

82 .- internal legislation based on knowledge and practices

Add: "... and non-timber ..."

Article 95 .- areas of wildlife management on private premises and properties of native or rural communities.

Add: "... be regulated according to the Communal Assembly proceedings ..."

Add the Title:


Article 2 .- LEGAL LAND DRAINAGE .- The degree of communities must be part of the state policy who is forced to head to communities that request it, before proceeding to the forest or land concession in the Amazon.

Article 3 .- TAX BENEFITS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES .- Destínese resources from tax benefits on account of tax refund to the creation of the Global Environmental Services indigenous communities, which are distributed through a regulation.

Article 4 .- CREASE THE INDIAN FOREST BANK .- Using capture mechanisms, annual carryover of public institutions, as is the case of unused funds, including those arising from concepts Executive Groups, the, to be deposited in the Forestry and Wildlife Indian Bank, to implement conservation programs, Development and Forest Plantations.

Article 5 .- SIMPLIFIED SELF-MANAGEMENT PLAN .- The Community Forest Management Plans should be simple and flexible, frameworks, organized and produced by communities and / or associations to which they belong, georeferencing suffice for which it is approved, provided they are within the territories entitled to name the respective communities, in the case of Conservation Areas, it is governed by the organized communities.

Article 6 .- RIGHT TO PROMOTIONAL FUNDS .- Indigenous communities have the right to promotional funds projects in ecotourism and conservation of flora and fauna, for this purpose, the Government must Promotional Fund to create a% of Canon coming from natural resource extraction.

Article 7 .- CREASE PROMOTIONAL OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES .- The one, must be composed of indigenous communities and federations, who make up an Indian Directory, which will among other , the function of advising, integrate, guide and correct the shortcomings of the law, to propose their development, having to that end, studies and consultations, statistics and evaluations in all stages of the process, access and use of natural resources , for Indigenous communities. Programs are needed to reward good management of resources can be an entity as the IIAP through a specific space.

Article 62: The committee opposes Loreto paragraph a of Article 62.


• Indigenous Federations should promote a constitutional amendment for the constitution to recognize that indigenous communities are entitled to the subfloor.

• They argue that communities be compensated and compensated by environmental impact on communities and the Amazon caused by extractive activities.

Speaker: Luis Barreto


1. Manihuari Santiago, NPP San Antonio

2. Willie Lopez Rengifo, FECONA

3. Elsa Torres Morales, Marañon Datem

4. Pizanfo Manuel Davila, Villa Trompeteros Current io

5. Juan Vilchez Aranda, New Freedom
Rio Corrientes

6. Juan Aricari Yahuarcani, Rio Nanay Capicuna

7. Lucas Murayari Arirama, New Arica Rio Samiria

8. Sandi Robinson Hualinga, Pucacuro, Corrientes River

9. Cesar Rios Gonzales, San Pablo de Totolla, Rio Cotton

10. Hector Minguillo,

11. Juan Ramos, FEPIBAC

12. Juan Lopez, CONAP

13. Mario Barreto Luis Serrano, Alvarenga, Alto Rio Nanay.



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