Monday, October 25, 2010

Local Area Connection Sent Recived Problem

And repressive HUALLAGA PURPOSES OR PANTRY Central Agroenergy

The Peruvian Amazon, is overrun with proposals on public infrastructure and natural resources, in contrast with the limited information available to the public, who did not have the opportunity to meet and discuss opportunities . Recall that Loreto, historically was the scene of the excessive exploitation of rubber, then the systematic extraction of hydrocarbons, claims to large areas for monocultures, now, has been planned from Lima, between cocks and midnight and refilling Marañón Huallaga purposes of agricultural irrigation and hydropower generation, to benefit primarily to four regions of the western slope.

Loreto, pantry again becomes the central ambition, even at the expense of more basic resource for our residents: Water; It will also thinking, in: how to separate from the future sale of oxygen to the rightful beneficiaries: Indigenous communities?, this ambition seems to have no limits, then socio-economic investment important, there are no more than brief and shy social programs.

Water is essential to the ecological balance of the Amazon basin and its biodiversity, essential for the survival of indigenous peoples living on the banks of the river and tributaries of the area in question . Between this and other reasons, the United Nations on 28 July this year, adopted a resolution declaring the human right to water and sanitation. Therefore, we must link this right, the demand for a Global Security, Regional and Local, a safety of everyone, especially those that still in the Region without access to safe water and sanitation least basic.

We must also take stock of investments made by the state, contrasted with extreme poverty rates ** in the region, poverty prevailing in these provinces (Upper Amazon, Marañón Datem , etc.), under the pretext of developing large areas of the coast, passing unnoticed, the legitimate right to a healthy environment and development of Loreto, who should be suitably treated with development programs, aimed at empowering indigenous peoples (for the exploitation of natural resources, who have held the National Economy). It is therefore necessary to include policy development, sustainability and balanced integration between economic development, social equity and environmental respect.
Indigenous Peoples in Loreto, over 94% *** without safe drinking water and more than 37% have no toilets of any kind, just over 50% have latrines unhealthy ( septic tanks), obviously lacking, sanitation (sewage treatment, adequate sewage disposal, solid waste management). Therefore, the resolution of the UN, provides a basis for liability of the state and other actors, for the purpose of generating political will and carry out necessary reforms at the level of laws, policies and activities to achieve the higher goal: universal and sustainable access to water and sanitation in these villages.

The Marañón River upstream, covers a catchment area of \u200b\u200babout 50.000 km2, between the origin of the Maranon and Huallaga basins in the provinces of Alto Amazonas and Datem the Marañón and the confluence with Cenepa rivers and Santiago in Las Amazonas, Morona, Pastaza and Paranapura in Loreto, even part of the region of San Martin; although, the rainfall in our region, with average rainfall of 2,000 mm / year, however, occurs only during the months of January to March, the rest of the year, suffered relatively dry seasons, with high shortage water, the other months.

There is no justification, even though in 2025, provides a water resource crisis, of course, is seen as a lifeline for Coast regions: the Amazon basin, no matter the opinions or socioeconomic status of inhabitants of the region, rather than the profit motive particular would mean the project. We compare the high population density of the coast, compared to the low population density of the forest, erroneously stating that there is a drop in average rainfall 2.687 mm / year, therefore, with excess water.
Nature, is warning us to be more droughts and floods are unpredictable, and, by the mere fact of benefit to the regions of La Libertad, Huánuco, Ancash, San Martin, we can not put at stake: the health and ecological balance of the Loreto region. Although the project CORINA, aims to irrigate one million hectares and produce 9 million kilowatts of hydropower, and the Government intends to declare a national interest Water resources, arguing that the project will prevent flooding in the jungle, where there was no sign in any way, any specific benefit, to future people affected, " continue to be considered at all, citizens of second or third, with the pantry of centralism, in contrast with the increase of extreme poverty in the region of Loreto?

addition, feasibility studies of many public infrastructure projects are economically viable, and that in any case, pay serious attention, to environmental and social impacts, which involve unexpected costs. The people directly affected, have not had the slightest chance, to see the projects and studies, even worse, it appears that these details are not known, nor by those who make the decision to run. Projects, exploitation of natural resources such as hydrocarbons, minerals, wood, soil for agriculture or hydropower, roads are even more isolated from society, mostly because they respond to private interests or capital.

* Member of the Institute for Social Development Programs and Alternative Iquito ethnicity.


*** Source: INEI - II Census Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon 2007


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