Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Metallic Taste In Mouth 12 Dpo


Historically, the native peoples of the Amazon have been excluded from government programs, however, at present, interventions are low-margin, but even more alarming, the results are low impact (see INEI poverty figures **), it becomes evident, first, ignorance of the concept of indigenous development, and other permanent gratification raw outrage at their most basic rights are: a life a healthy environment, development and especially the right to make their own decisions, set out in the ILO International Convention 169.

usually focuses on development from a traditional view that most resembles the mere implementation of bureaucratic procedures, addressing all logically expected, then the rejection comes from the beneficiaries.

Ignorance of ignorance or omission, the potential of each people, including different development modes of conception, prevent channel resources effectively and efficiently to indigenous beneficiaries.

projects developed outside the customs and ancestral knowledge, usually unnoticed, create uncertainty or are rejected, since The development relates to learning certain skills, such as hunting, fishing, handicrafts, farm buildings and agricultural crops.

Consequently, we can formulate a comprehensive proposal, according to the satisfaction of human needs of indigenous peoples, which, it could be separated in two phases, which would allow the forging of the self:

In the first phase, it should develop the creation of various programs or the Comprehensive Basic Rural Development of the Amazon, with the implementation of basic care activities through the participation of all ministries: Education, Health, Agriculture, Environment, Manufacturing, Energy, Housing, etc., Giving for example, indigenous peoples emergency medical services, water systems and drainage adapted for rural areas, rural sanitation systems, provision of basic technology for forest conversion to give added value to their timber in the manufacture of furniture and housing rural implementation of appropriate energy systems for domestic lighting, transport systems and rural communications, just as it should solve the problem of land, hundreds of native and rural communities have not recognized ***, no title, respect for their land and conflict resolution, with adequate land reclamation by a technical body to respect the customary rights of indigenous communities ****, etc.

In the second phase, you create programs or Integrated Rural Development Program of the Amazon, with business focus, with support direct to the farmer, guiding the management of biodiversity, agriculture, management of aquatic and terrestrial fauna, watershed management and implementation of environmental services, prioritizing the planting of fruit trees with high economic value of aquaculture development program, zoo hatcheries, for marketing and / or processing for sale to large scales, the promotion of tourism, processing and marketing of crops at fair prices, similarly, with full use of their forest resources, with production of furniture and derivatives with the proper promotion and advice, establishing guidelines for charging for environmental services why, the state must provide the necessary mechanisms for the fair and equitable benefit.

These two phases constitute two pillars of rural development that can transform the socioeconomic situation of the Amazonian indigenous population in the context of an obsolete system, without plans or targets, where there is disruption. In short, not reaching enough people with programs, we must educate them and enable them to develop their own efforts, encouraging the production and as, to allow easy access to credit for such production activities, while respecting their rights.

intercultural Health, not just the construction or implementation of hospitals, rural indigenous health should be directed to the attention medica, in the border areas and endemic rural nurses training, and deployment with the necessary medicines, construction and implementation of health posts and hospitals must be part of programs to fight poverty in this program should participate, indigenous organizations to unify ideas, and correct possible misconceptions.

Intercultural Education must be conceived curriculum, approaches to business development, requires the close involvement of indigenous organizations and, above all, acceptance of peoples, which are to be adopted, the performance of their teachers, to avoid for example, absenteeism and abandonment by their teachers.

Inclusion and consultation, with the creation of a coordination office for the resolution of various conflicts in rural areas, receiving corrective contributions and policy formulation for rural development.

* Member of the Institute for Social Development Programs and Alternative Iquito ethnicity. **

*** settlements, hamlets, etc.

native and peasant communities.


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