Wednesday, September 15, 2010

E71 Front Camera How To Use It


In my previous article: HIDDEN TRUTHS OF THE PROJECT: "RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION OF NORTH YURIMAGUAS INTEROCEANIC IQUITOS" **, I saw a number of inconsistencies, that the lords of the OPIPP have not able to rebut or clarify public opinion, because it is without doubt the most blatant political maneuver re-election purposes, regardless of the serious damage we would be committing to our region, a behavior that reveals the true nature of the kinds of authorities in which we stand.

Also, I have identified the following inconsistencies, which reveal his anti technical execution, which now seems, has nothing to do with the apparent prestige of the Canadian company, for the disastrous results of a study, which began with excessive political interests:

1. Never was the Pre Feasibility Study of Rail, to continue the feasibility phase.

2. Not revealed his true potential high cost in construction, but also, never identified "who are interested in investing in the railway proposal?, Since there are other shorter interconnect paths, and even built, which are cheaper and attractive to potential investors.

3. Was not considered likely and very possible now economic infeasibility of the construction on the proposed route, risking 83 million soles.

4. Has tendered a draft study with inconsistent profiles using outdated figures with obvious overtones of ambiguity.

5. Is being used as political propaganda, the proposed construction with the image of railway models, including one showing the "Magnetic train" model, very high cost to our reality, irresponsible and malicious.

6. There is a waterway of interest to the neighboring country, as a way completed and short, which connects the Brazilian coast in the Atlantic ocean along the Peruvian coast in the Pacific Ocean. (See clipping below).

Thus, you can unmask the hoax orchestrated by OPIPP lords who dared even to publish a map with new ways of construction, to the Strait in Putumayo and Pucallpa in Ucayali, without a serious profile and especially with the consent of the people, rather than propose works in the millions, looking for hidden purposes only, as in this case, to coax people to win votes in favor of the reappointment of Mr. Ivan Vasquez.

then step to identify new revelations of the Feasibility Study:

a. That date, the study by the Canadian company DESSAU, driven more by Peruvian Canadians, has collapsed for various reasons, as previously warned:

 Inconsistency and incompatibility by the lack of pre-feasibility study for this reason, there are too many variables not provided by the technicians.

 concealment of information by the people of the Loreto OPIPP of these inconsistencies, to avoid detection of such irresponsibility, the signed written request for copies of documents that were denied, despite the existence of such Contract documents referred to in the DESSAU.

 Advance payments to the company DESSAU, not foreseen in the contract bidding or bases, which provide an unusual and unnecessary handling, in addition to those developments are not in the contract schedules. (See chart)

 Recruitment not suitable for carrying out the studies, which are not covered by the tender or contract basis, by the company DESSAU.

 Repeated changes in the routes originally proposed, which, with each change of route re-election candidate, announced at his rallies where the people will train you, but then is changing and advertising new routes that are used in a capricious and political.

Kick in the implementation of the study tendered by the company DESSAU, in the absence of competent professionals that cover the bases described in the tender and contract.

b. Consequences of breach of contract of study:

 The eventual loss of 83 million soles, which badly needed to Loretanos.

unnecessary  The momentum of a project without meaning, only by political ambition, to the detriment of the poorest of our region.

 Great disappointment, a great majority of Loreto, who really crave a true terrestrial interconnection project, but more need for capitalists.

Finally, it has been demonstrated, it has been the most devastating political strategy that has created a politician, because he did not care to invest 83 million soles, irresponsibly, constituting itself greater use of public resources for political propaganda in their favor, read the propaganda on their posters: "IVAN ENDS BUILDING THE TRAIN IQUITOS YURIMAGUAS "What is finished? If not, what has already begun, you see, their propaganda is mischievous and misleading, since it suggests to people in our communities, and Don Ivan began construction of the train, taking advantage over other candidates who are sincere in this case, we have a conflict of interest is at stake because 83 million soles, and on the other side says that Don Ivan, finish building the railway.

would therefore be prudent to ask who assumes power, terminate the Contract with DESSAU, protecting the interests Region, to start a serious project, involving all relevant actors, we are not to use public resources to private interests, other countries interested in economic and shorter routes, as projected in a Mexico City newspaper:

(inter-oceanic route between Brazil and Peru)

* Member of the Institute for Social Development Programs and Alternative Iquito ethnicity.


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