Friday, January 22, 2010

What Does A Soft Low Cervix Mean


"... it would be appropriate to teach them how and why they should implement diversified gardens and fruit trees on their farms and how to adopt soil conservation measures so that it continues to produce high yields ..."

Polan Lacki

Each day that passes there is a core and geometric importance on the conservation of forests in the Amazon, compared to the rise of global climate change, carrying out, often events, focusing on the likely mitigation measures to be implemented, for these reasons, I have been forced to extract as authors of this "tragedy", indigenous communities, who indeed should be considered as the real architects of the biological protection of the Amazon, with their traditional living, they do, but that, usufruct of forest, under, have been practiced from generation to generation, however, there has been a legal plunder, for the state and as entrepreneurs who make use of it, regardless, communities, strategic partners, the protection and sustainable forest management, self-limiting capabilities of the people themselves.

is common to see villagers, surgery, yet the police and even military power, as if it were, vulgar criminals and stripped of timber resources , which traded for survival in the cities.

Entrepreneurship, the settler Indian is negligible or nonexistent, while its mining activity, it becomes increasingly uneconomic, but which has been under pressure, to such activity, for its indebtedness to lenders and foreign and local enablers.

is true that in some cases, communities have ceased to have forests, forest capacity in others simply find it difficult to do, legally, focusing on Consequently, coca planting activities, which is presented as a new alternative, since in this case, if there is a market and a price, in that marginality no bar, not to, their needs are growing and his large family, no choice, single, dedicated to this crop.

On the other hand, poor forest or fat, have an abundance of shrubs "no fruit" that do not allow the power of the local fauna, much less for human consumption, which are residually used in the production of firewood and charcoal, in other poor areas, such as secondary forest, proliferate, shrubs and vines, which do not allow original regeneration, with different trees, these are favorable land for planting productive, diverse and fruit from the region.

While some government programs, appear sporadically, only reaches a few commoners elected intervention does not result in a significant impact with the growing illicit activity, including the development of illegal products, but these programs, go unnoticed, for the most needy.

A case occurs to some indigenous communities, with limited opportunities for logging, when they "process their community forest license, "this is trapped in the bureaucratic government offices, which when applied, the administrative law, end in two resolutions to impose sanctions, and in other cases, which are supported by NGOs, that deal with such a permit, this is valued in an amount not less than Twenty Thousand Dollars grant (S /. 25,000.00) (or $ 9,000.00 USD), which they do not know the poor natives, is that their expensive new logging permit, no obtained as useful and 30% of the investment, for that institution, because, although they have to repay the money, it is illogical to waste that amount, so it would have been fairer, given haberles that amount, without any loss of time to do it through all the bureaucracy, the Indians, who seem to have become, in the treasure chest of organizations that no longer have the best intentions.

As you see, it seems that Indians have always lose, on the one hand, lack of technical skills, but otherwise, its own potential is wasted, because they are excellent guardians of the forest, farmers chronological, fishing and hunting experts, swimming in rivers, marmots actual construction rural and anonymous athletes who have overcome even the most feared diseases in many cases have faced wild beasts of the jungle and survived the weather.

However, these skills have not been used for their own development, so far, in future, should take into account indigenous thinking, as a starting point, development initiatives such as the example of "RURAL HOUSING", a concept unknown to many, but a common practice of indigenous people, the concept of agroforestry AMAZON, which prioritizes the planting FRUIT TREES, in replacement of the forest only, since they, provide, more benefits and will constitute the pillars of conservation of Amazon forests.

Currently, there is deforestation, indigenous communities, except those caused by the flawed government policies, it is now time to return, the indigenous forests, with a new program that involves, native communities, farmers, towns and villages, which the law accords them land, they can manage, which can transform into true productive forests, with large forest management programs, for food locally, nationally and internationally, who wish to forest conservation, should consume what they produce. Who have plundered the forests from outside, today pledged to recover and care, together with the indigenous peoples of the Amazon.


1. The issuance of directives, public institutions, for these, to accelerate the proceedings initiated by the indigenous communities also financing or exemption, from any costs, that it incurred, to the communities.

2. Allocate funds for all programs, that is accessible, indigenous communities, for example, a fund for the roof itself, another for rural electrification, water for all, a fund for the development of projects and community programs Indians, etc.

3. Create unique canon for the development of indigenous communities, thus justifies the exploitation of natural resources, funds should be delivered through community implementation units.

4. Indigenous symposiums or congresses, region and / or provinces, in order, to forge consensus on development policy communities.

5. Bilingual education, indigenous health and other programs are not all alike, for all communities, one must accept suggestions that arise from communities themselves.

6. Create a seed bank for indigenous agriculture.

7. Encourage the planting of foodstuffs, with credits without interest.

8. Promote state purchasing of products to small rural farmers.

9. Promote incentives for those who invest in the purchase of agricultural products of Amazon communities.

10. Promote study and research of agricultural products from Amazon.

11. Promote reforestation, communities encouraging them economically, through bonds for reforestation, conservation, carbon, ecotourism and environmental services.


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