Monday, November 16, 2009

Invitation College Farewell Party



I. The fresh water in the Amazon, is undoubtedly an issue of vital importance not only for the international community, it begins to be a major factor in rural populations, in particular, basin the Nanay, since it provides water to the city of Iquitos, benefiting, to five hundred thousand inhabitants (500.000 hab.) settled communities, are beginning to awaken, in the sense that, protect the integrity basin, through, throughout, avoiding the deliberate contamination by business, non-local initiatives, in short, no conservation programs in the Nanay and our region, although its importance , reaches to industry, agriculture and daily diet of our population.
In Amazonian communities do not exist, sewage treatment plants, alongside their own social, cultural and people, as another major factor, water pollutant, so finding the solution to these problems is fundamental for the protection of the environment.


2.1 The oil industry. The water used is composed of hydrocarbons, which contain many heavy metals, toxins such as lead, cadmium, chromium, among others, gene alterations. This is poured directly into rivers without giving, before treatment, leakage of crude oil, at various points, network Transport also pollution from deforestation, and construction of bridges, storage plants, and therefore, the deterioration of the environment, affecting every living thing that depends on it.

2.2 The mining activity. The direct use of heavy metals such as mercury and cyanide to the amalgamation and the use of underwater dredges in the water table of rivers, with the methylation of mercury (Hg) and other heavy metals that cause disorders ecological, affecting mainly the fish from the rivers, and therefore on rural populations and its consequences are no less important, on pollution, to the urban populations, which are the main consumers of water, and marine products, from, from these contaminated areas.

2.3 The forestry. Through deforestation, coming of mechanized forestry, originates the deterioration of the environment when they are not accompanied with proper management of reforestation, producing, depletion of forests, too, causes water pollution sawmills, when using preservatives, without proper treatment, oxidation ponds. These sites in turn contaminate the water after being flooded by high water.

2.4 The urban wastewater. It's the kind of pollution, most consistent and dangerous, in the case of Iquitos, through the sewage being dumped directly into the Amazon River, a river, by its nature, tends to eliminate contaminated water, the correntera that goes straight into the deepest parts of the river, however, not so with the river Itaya and Nanay, which are crystal clear rivers, low flow, and a lower rate, which are the ones that most impact receive from contamination with sewage.

2.5 The rural wastewater. In communities, like in the cities, there is, no treatment of wastewater, but does not mean it has any significance of contamination at the watershed level, their effects, go directly to their residents, they are, those who drink the water directly, the polluted river, which by custom , ever, treat the water before consumption.


water, our table (Iquitos), comes from the Nanay River landmark, because there is no other like this, which, despite its natural wealth, too, take care, supply of water. When you dear reader, are reading this article, at this point, you have already drunk, no less than 500 milligrams of water, therefore a valid question would be, is to be declared intangible resource of fresh water Nanay?, yes, should be protected beyond the limits of access to recruitment, Public Plant SEDALORETO of this resource, you need care, at the headwaters of the river, and that no littering, upstream of the Alto Nanay, for example, as usual, we have, coastal populations, our Amazon, pour their waters served in the river, particularly in the Nanay River, on the other hand, the installation of a municipal dump, waste, ultimately, could affect water quality, adding to the fact that not obey a prior process, waste safety, much less treatment of sewage, which apply on the Nanay river communities. Systems

very necessary and very useful, if applied, since we're talking about water that we drink, for the rest of our lives. If we can protect, from the headwaters of the Rio Nanay, involving the coastal communities, I'm sure, would take care of him. But we know that, the river hosts a wealth of resources, and most important, is the water that feeds us and is with us every day, water is scarce, and also the nature provides us for free, why not protect from the heights of the Nanay, including Pintuyacu and Chambira?.

One method would be fairly simple and inexpensive, build water treatment mini-plants with anaerobic groundwater filtration, this, in turn, is channeled towards planting more palm trees. With a little training, we get that, communities Nanay basin, are the first protective of Freshwater in our Amazon.
Finally, the Coordinator of Peasant and Native Communities of the Nanay River Basin, which includes some 33 communities in the Nanay, has requested and the Provincial Municipality SEDALORETO MAYNAS, which establish a symbolic contribution, in water bills for water protection in the Nanay River Basin, as these can not be abandoned to their fate, is a duty, who uses, protect, preserve and keep pure for future generations, these measures would be best, because fresh water, besides being free, part of the collection, and distribute must be reversed protection programs.


4.1 The fresh water is the main source of life for all living beings in our Amazon and its existence depends on it.
4.2 The fresh water has a source in our Amazon, because it comes from branches in the form of a delta mainland across from the Peruvian jungle to the Atlantic.
4.3 The freshwater underdevelopment can lead us to improve our quality of life if handled properly. 4.4 Protecting
fresh water is our primary responsibility, as it depends on the health of our planet.
4.5 However greatly we are neglecting this responsibility, because we are polluting from our homes and industries from our Amazon irresponsible.
4.6 The pollution is also a cultural problem that must be corrected from childhood to adulthood of people.


5.1 Create a central monitoring water quality in Loreto.
5.2 Identify the main sources of pollution and eradicate them. 5.3
Protect freshwater through biodiversity conservation areas.
5.4 Promote incentives for those who reduce emissions of pollution into the environment. 5.5 Encourage campaigns
no contamination in our recreation centers near the city.
5.6 Promote clean use of wastewater systems in rural areas. 5.7
Encourage rural communities to implement clean-use systems in their communities to protect fresh water.

VI. REFERENCES: 2003/087_02.2003/087_Columnistas_LuisBarretoSerrano.php3 - 36k


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