Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dunking Tank Clip Art



UN: "... Recognizing and reaffirming that indigenous individuals are entitled without discrimination to all human rights recognized in international law and indigenous peoples possess collective rights which are indispensable for their existence, and integral development as peoples. "

The Government in its National Housing Program is obligated to develop rural housing programs, focusing towards indigenous communities throughout the Peruvian Amazon, due in the first place, state national interest, programs rural housing, prioritizing their implementation in the border areas endemic areas affected by environmental pollution.

Throughout Peruvian history is not known, in a rural housing program, with the complicity of the absence, not only Governments in power, but that thousands of local authorities and influential citizens in the opposite direction, which have always liked the amenities offered by cities, without worrying about the Indians.

In this context, in a sincere search, and identified with the rural, more isolated, divine inspiration comes from the rural housing model called the "Aguajeno", only S /. Soles 3.500 or $ 1.100 dollars per household, the same as in a regular project, the sum could reach 7 to 10 thousand nuevos soles. However, with the support of the proposed amount, many Amazonian Indians, they could change their housing conditions, receiving in addition the following benefits:


2.1 EN SALUD. The benefits achieved with indigenous housing as "Aguajero" will be in first place in the health of the household, with dwellings closed they will be protected from the bites of all kinds of insects, largely avoiding the proliferation and spread of diseases they spread like malaria, dengue and other infectious diseases.

2.2 IN EDUCATION. benefit the indigenous family in the education of students, for a brindársele environment more suitable for home study compared to their old home, this give rise to improved school performance.

2.3 on PRODUCTIVITY. will benefit in terms of productivity of the agricultural field, as a more suitable environment for living parents to devote more time to grow fruit and vegetables, for example, because the worry will disappear in a rustic house and inappropriate to protect themselves and his family.

2.4 in NATIONAL IDENTITY. was also the feeling of Peruvian revalue because it quickly identified with a program that has meaning beyond a simple project that is often lost forgotten because of its low impact, but not this one that changed the lives of forgotten people for centuries, this program seeks to unite all the Peruvians, the isolated and border areas.

2.5 on EMPLOYMENT. The creation of jobs belonging to the community, taking full advantage of slack labor, the use and sustainable management of their resources on a small scale, because it is oriented to the purchase of traditional materials in construction, but the maximum utilization of own resources, together with the local workforce. 2.6

HOUSING. In terms of rural housing, pointing to provision of decent housing with indigenous approach semiamobladas for families in border areas that lack basic services or basic. 2.7 ENVIRONMENTAL

. influence the sustainable management of natural resources, promoting the consumption of its own resources within the law.

(The Aguajeno in communities)


In Peru there are around 65 ethnic groups of which 29 correspond to Loreto (31.8%), which is the region that the largest number of indigenous inhabitants 105 000 900 inhabitants, bringing together nearly one-third total population Indian national (31.8%), taking into account that they are still in process of recognizing a number of communities without title to the property. It is followed by the department of Junin, with 73 000 637 inhabitants (22.1%), followed by others with less population.

The predominant material on the exterior walls of the Private occupied dwellings is wood, and 73.8% of households have this material, followed in importance by the walls of thatch dwellings (10.6%).

54.3% of households have as main material of the floors, the earth. 41.1% of households have as main material for floors, wood, recent of course, are in the low jungle, which are mostly floodplain. Of the total

Private occupied dwellings, 73.3% is supplied with water from river, canal, spring or similar, while 15% do so through well, only 5.5% have water service public network within and outside the home.

51.1% have pit latrines or black / latrine, while 36.6% of households have no toilet.

13.8% have electric lighting connected to the public, while 86.2% do not have this service.


This project has been submitted to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and this has led to its passage to the Ministry of Housing, hoping that the author of the project to be summoned to their respective supporting, since in reality do not know Lima proposal, we hope this project a reality for the sake of the Amazon.

(Amazonian Peoples healthier)

Accordingly, the proposed housing model called the "Aguajeno" is a viable alternative that should be accompanied to rural drinking water systems and wastewater treatment and the provision of solar energy, being necessary to the execution of an official, inclusive and timely creating self-sustaining people with independent models and future focus of development from the depths of the Amazon forgotten for centuries integers.


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