Sunday, October 18, 2009

Woolite In He Washers



I. ECOLOGY. Science that studies organisms in their own habitat, and their relations with their living environment. The deterioration of ecology, and not the subject of exclusive concern of ecologists and environmentalists around the world, is also relevant to our society, but it is a matter of poor command, by the studious youth, whereas in most cases, the term is very generic, when we confront it with reality, since we must first have the basic foundation knowledge of our regional environment and especially the ecology of our Amazon, mainly requires further analysis and knowledge in the conception of the existence of the Amazonian people, particularly indigenous peoples, dematerialized and considering people, like ourselves, respecting their habitat, their culture, ancestry, nature in general and therefore, our future and our children.

The Peruvian Amazon, is therefore one of the most biodiverse in the world, culturally speaking, has more than 65 ethnic groups, some endangered, all currently little known and unknown to most. The Peruvian Amazon, also has a cover, in the best condition worldwide, regardless of their wide variety of plants, animals, fish and insects, many still undiscovered by science, which places us as the highest biological production , production oxygen and carbon sinks of the most important countries.

II. ECOLOGY IN OUR ENVIRONMENT. In a globalized world, where social inequality still exists, is not enough, waving the flag of the conservation, study the issue comprehensively, since either one reason or another, we are objects chaos caused by human greed, to more poverty and social disorder, more homelessness and dire consequences on people more humble and poor of our region, on par with a cyber world and globalized.
When we speak of society must be understood, to all citizens with the same charitable purpose, for example, until recently had little interest in the Amazonian ethnic groups, that were not considered in a comprehensive social programs and there was no respect for their ancestral lands descent today still do not know. that in Peru there are over 65 ethnic groups identified by the INEI, and many groups of people, living in the rural Amazon, which unfortunately differ in their economic and sociocultural conditions, while a few are favored (political and commercial purposes) the vast majority still struggle to gain respect.

The outstanding issue is the danger that causes the global climate change, though, has established its consequences, much more difficult it is to imagine, without considering that prior to this, disregards international rights of indigenous peoples as vulnerable areas, this lack of respect, even starting in the most renowned advocates of ecology as the study these effects have as a priority foreign point of view, without the participation of local actors, the absence and indifference of the public that government does not react to the voice of these people, who want to be heard, to prevent further depletion of natural resources , condemning them to a malevolent condition, widely vulnerable in activities harmful to the ecology, this misconception may a high salary, require at least a respectful approach to the ecology of an integral, or is that behind every opportunity, there are wage-earners, who always repeat a cliché, in the defense thereof, the fact is that insufficient act only with professional impulses, while not be part of a marginalized people, for hundreds of years, people starting to awaken.

I think that's the time to reflect on our true function as professionals who love, values \u200b\u200bmost neglected by the materialistic ways, fighting for a cause, not to mediate between, personal ambitions beyond the human, the humblest and poorest of our vast Amazon region. Respect must start with the presence and participation of its citizens, how can we speak of respect for the ecology if it brings destruction to the extraction of hydrocarbons and precious metals?, Much more incomprehensible, is to consider the Indians, without benefits or participatory income guarantee, a true palliative for the consequences of mining activities without consultation, but also, we are encouraging the long-term contamination, for money, which will not serve to remedy the consequences that this gives rise (oil royalty case), better , would promote low-impact alternative, not necessarily attractive reasons for Transnational Corporations, and for central governments, but which would benefit directly to the rural Amazon, with no dependencies or marginality began to develop in all aspects.

III. CURRENT PROBLEMS. The big question, does the pollution in the Amazon affect the planet, the answer unfortunately is yes, "But we're doing to mitigate these effects now, the answer is nothing, what is the relationship the quality of Indian life, to environmental pollution?, this is the most important question because it has always viewed the problem from a technical standpoint and material, however, many obviate the response focused on the violation of rights of indigenous peoples, which has been working behind the back of this population, these have been used as products for great cooperation funds internationally, to increase the popularity of one or another political candidate or to create certain documentaries, which carry large sums of money, as profits, all of them, regardless of the true interests of indigenous peoples.

So you can not talk about climate change without considering the importance of rural life of indigenous peoples, the true conservatives and transmitters of knowledge to researchers and scientists from the world of knowledge. An example relating to the pollution - resident, you may have in the not too distant analogy between drug trafficking - a farmer, but still we are talking about people's lack of knowledge and of absolute marginality, the balance of reason prefers those have the least, for this is that eradication programs fail, so much so, that probably could soon be talking about a VRAE-Loreto, rather than the results of a state sponsor of Amazonian agricultural development, with a special feature varied and exquisite.

could talk, farming of vegetables, tubers, grains, fruit bushes and fruit trees, forest plantations for the sole purpose of generating revenue for environmental services to the planet, how long, arrived with their due justice to the Indians?, being the ones who protected the forest for centuries, without receiving anything in return, now they want to charge, if convicted of the disorder and backwardness of the people, nothing could be further from reality and above all an injustice, that even want to appear to justice, as the case Andoas and Bagua, where Indians are the accused.

However, we must bear in mind that the primary responsibility is the developed countries are the real culprits climate change, have no better solution than forcing developing countries like ours to reschedule their industrial activities and programs under conditions that often go beyond the actual local interests.


4.1. To investigate the primary and secondary causes of climate change and its importance in the Amazon.

4.2. Create spaces for debate, which show solutions to mitigate climate change.

4.3. Make a guest ecological terminology, so a good identification of the main problems in our region.

4.4. Promote diversified production systems of crops and species through the application of agroforestry and forestry, according to productivity, direct benefits and economic efficiency.

4.5. Protect watersheds through massive provision of water treatment systems served throughout the Amazon, mainly from supplying water to cities.

4.6. Conduct studies of pollution and health of the rivers of our Amazon to optimize their use.

* Member of the Institute for Social Development Programs and Alternative Iquito ethnicity.


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