Monday, October 19, 2009

Cutlery In French Name



The Peruvian Amazon is undoubtedly one of the most biodiverse in the world, but also has a range of ancient cultures, in this, they converge more than 65 ethnic groups and a small portion of the population is the heir of mestizaje small groups of Europeans and Asians, among others. Iquitos, better known as the capital of the Peruvian Amazon, is the best example of convergence of cultures, is its finest, the "iron house, designed by Frenchman Gustave Eiffel, located in the main square, all of them, from, the time rubber.

mestizaje Aside from this, the Amazon, began to be repopulated by people from, in the Peruvian mountains, which, largely rural communities have formed, leaving the Amazonian ethnic groups, comprising the native communities emerge, a new fusion between them.

However, it is important to provide some clarifications on the communities, which in many cases, preferred to leave the recognition as communities, to be part of towns and villages with no name recognition or cultural, this group should be part unrecognized thickness, the same, which would greatly increase the recognition by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Amazon journey

When he was only a year old, I was taken by my father, to the border with Brazil, in Rio Blanco Curinga, when my father served as a member of the former Republican Guard. At seven years, we began to travel the Napo River to the town of Fort Rock in Ecuador, traveling, visiting each village, when I was eleven years old, traveled the Nanay River, to its source, in the mouths of white water black water, the water, very cold in the mornings, were populated by many fish, of various sizes and colors, there we discovered that the young woman (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum), spawn in large schools on their beaches, among other fish, which produce a characteristic melodious sound under water, in times of spawning, and in the bed glowed golden flakes imperceptible, from a hidden vein, then I have traveled the rivers: Lower Amazon, Ucayali, Marañon, Huallaga, etc.

One of the best lessons I learned in the Amazon, was undoubtedly the fishing, you never know what size or kind, will be the next fish capture. Swim in the cool waters, it is comforting, or watch the monkeys jumping from tree to tree, all kinds of birds, insects, and walking through diverse forests, to places never discovered, are other reasons to wonder of its hidden beauties.

A hand, sailing in a canoe down the Alto Nanay, at a place called "Pachacutec" in a very deep part of the river, I saw a dark boa only about five meters, lurking in a corner, the same day, in hours of the night, watch a majas (Agouti paca), jumping on one place, as if it were tied to something, that rodent, could not stop jumping, but when I approached in my canoe, quietly, I noticed that anaconda (Boa constrictor), fairly thick, protruding from the river to a thicket, towards the majás that seemed haunted by the boa, then east toward the river was running.

Another time I junction a swarm of eels (Electrophorus electricus), it happened one night when I put a hook baited hooks, and a trapped anguilla, she joined a hundred around was when I went among them, gently, with my canoe, not knowing what it was those sounds in the dark, until I turned on my flashlight, I could watch as noodles, then, carefully, I could retire there, paddling back.

are so many, the experiences and unexplored sites, which are common to the Amazon, the things I saw in my childhood and adolescence, in the Amazon jungle, far from the cities, which if known by anyone leave them surprised, and would not hesitate to acknowledge that the Amazon is more, what a wonder of nature, there is not a possibility that only a landscape, for more spectacular it is, is compared to the Amazon, which hides a number of places, waiting to be discovered, even by ourselves.

* Member of the Institute for Social Development Programs and Alternative Iquito ethnicity.


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