Monday, September 7, 2009

Lump In The Groin What Kind Of Doctor


dynamic psychotherapy can set a task in `patient and therapist in which both are committed to working on the theme convener.
The impression of the therapy is "aware", allowing the drill through the technique, to evolve in the patient's difficulties, which hinder, block or interfere with their actions diario.Dentro of specialty Phoniatrics and a BA in Psychology I am dedicated to psychotherapy in relation to blockages in the communication
Many people have difficulty in exprersarse orally either against a party or public or audience. The difficulty speaking in front of others may have several origins. In Psycho-Phoniatrics, it works the patient's self-esteem, unlocking the laryngeal area, the disinhibition of personality through vocal technique exercises including Learning cost-diaphragmatic breathing type, which increases air flow to facilitate the issuance of the voice, avoiding vocal fatigue, neuromuscular relaxation, which is to relax the contractions of the cervical and larynx, to prevent the communication channel : the larynx is contracture, or have sense of constriction or narrow = narrow = narrow
family mandates lead in most cases to close and avoid setting discussions with the word or exposure to events public or colloquial, an example is listening, "you shut up, you know, mouth closed, do not talk, do not mess, do not think about the issue, you sing like a dog, get in yours and a few promising designs as estos.Por course, if added to this base is a vulnerable personality, it is not surprising that someone prefers to remain silent before passing the test of conversacion.De intervene in this way were closed communication channels , speaking less and less vocal hastadesconocer's identity. The voice is our letter of introduction, from all situcion we turned to talk to express feelings, desires and needs.

When the vocal cords are in perfect health, can become ill from nodules or dysphonia because this is a good way to avoid speaking, is the way the body screams his nmecesidades as in many other diseases , that psycho-somaticas.Lo denominana which quiets the voice in your body hurts, cry in the soul., not to speak of what we feel, not sharing the thoughts, projects, ideas, what a way to make a sort of body armor that isolates the area, but within which there is a being who screams and sufre.La phoniatric Psychotherapy helps to reveal the sung voice exercises, putting sounds in facial resonators, for volume, brightness, hue, and enjoy at. ... sing, make sounds powerful, vibrant being transmitted throughout the body, awakening the vital energy by releasing endorphins, hormones that change the mood, and giving birth to our own sound, which nature gives us, and we can reeducate to ring with all the voice, and we love the magic of singing act


degree m. Nora Elena
Fonoaudióloga 1914

teacher professional singer vocal technique for singing, voice, actors
Rehabilitation of dysphonia, nodules, professional vocal training hiatus

professor of speech, vocal technique in the Belgrano Arts Theatre, 1998
voice of actor training. Teatro Fray Mocho, 2003
Director of course "The art of mastering the voice" in the Asociacion Medica Argentina 2007
Professor of vocal technique, handling of the actor's voice in the "Council of Economic Sciences," Cultural extension, group 2010-2011 Theatre
Professor of Phonology in locution, income, individual training of the speaker's voice, communications, journalism degree in Psychology mp
Disinhibition versus public / audience management
speech, self-esteem, shyness
Dynamic Psychotherapy, release of emotions,
annual Internship and postgraduate Htal Durand "psychosomatic approach of organic pathologies" No. 2007
psychosomatic medicine Postgraduate Medical Fac Uba 2008
www.expresionoralpsicofoniatria.blogspot. com
-nora-yelena www-clarion- blog-com

4.861.9220 Monday to Friday from 11 to 20 hours


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