Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lion Hat Luna Lovegood


Before a series of brief comments on the Feasibility Study and Final engineering studies and Environmental Impact: Building the Northern Inter-oceanic Railway Yurimaguas "Iquitos", I reproduce some extracts from the project, as follows:
(magnetic train, exclusive passenger OPIPP image that's used improperly)

... " The Feasibility Study should be developed taking into account that the road project is part of the Regional Road Network and the importance of local character that represents "...

..." will run pits, trenches and diamond drilling. Given that the entire project will be developed in lowland terrain, it is anticipated that the soils in general are low resistance, so that in the case of large bridges over major rivers will be required, adequate depth drilling to explore the basement. ...

... "In order to subject to critical analysis in OPIPP has been reviewed Analysis by the formulator, based on stringent criteria and more conservative. This review is shown in the attachment entitled: Review of Project Yurimaguas-North Railroad Interoceanic Iquitos. The results of which concluded that the project is profitable and self sustaining. "

underlined concepts show that is intended to go through high, important technical procedures which would avoid fruitless investment in the future, also as stated by the OPIPP, suggests that there was a draft pre-feasibility, the truth is that both the formulator of the project, and the evaluator, commit the same errors of calculation, by projecting on outdated figures, forestry exports with an annual increase of 30.18%.

Similarly add to exports, an increase in regional agricultural production, which in truth is emerging and fully different from that expressed in the project, evaluators add large volumes of cargo, saying the reasons for the profitability of construction Rail, backed up by figures out of date, if you look at the entire project with current data we obtain that the construction of Train is not feasible, therefore, the sensible thing to do, would be the reformulation, amending and updating omissions export figures with actual figures.

Another mistakes OPIPP lords, is based on the fact that they assume the feasibility of train, as they have avoided the pre-feasibility phase, phase is precisely the error corrected today warned, have avoided the irresponsible manner. It would therefore be the most wasteful in the history of Loreto, in a project that demanded the investment of amounts in excess of revenues Gorel, therefore, it is irresponsible to expose the scarce public resources on projects that ignore technical and administrative procedures, which works primarily affect viable future, priority and made more consistent and zeal.

Therefore, the clearest example of these illusions can be read in political propaganda of the current administration: "THE TRAIN COMES WITH FORCE" as he referred to an impending execution and therefore a real achievement of the government of the day, this psycho, just an end, desperately seeking re-election before, to say the truth Loreto people, who deserve all possible explanations, on details of the feasibility project, in which fit the following questions:

1. Why has missed the Pre Feasibility Study, a large project?

2. Is not it irresponsible to sell the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding the railroad in the knowledge that there is no funding for its eventual implementation?

3. What if it is declared lost Loreto economic infeasibility in the proposed route?

way, in the news number two Loretana Force, published in local daily The region is enclosed details of the proposed routes and two models of trains operating powers and functions. In another case, in a statement OPIPP lords, you can see up to five models for different purposes, I wonder if they know what they are saying, how easy it is to draw a map and expect compared with a country like Canada the opposite geographically , lie and play with the illusion of people, we just need to provide fifteen thousand jobs.

Obviously the intent of that newspaper article and the exposure of the OPIPP gentlemen, is nothing less than convincing unwary and uninformed, that the construction of the railway, is the best thing has happened to our region, which will be of great social and economic impact, feasible in every way and give a lot of work to militants or Loretana Force.

foreshadowed in advance that will be expensive, meaning that no one says anything if you add the project a couple of billion (One sees the future Gorel embezzlement), but that, anything else we should re-elect the current President of Gorel, so when they say that the work will cost 2.500 million dollars, nobody complains, and if they occur a thousand milloncitos increase more, nor nothing to object, since it is a Canadian-style work, and dream, we will soon be communicated to the Strait in the Putumayo district with a supertrees, they do not know, is what will bring transported to the Straits or from there, "but, if terms of tourism, would not it be better to use airships to anywhere in the region, whose construction costs are lower and safer?.

Boldness be compared with a foreign country, different in every way, reminds us of the saying "land of the blind the one-eyed is King ", because without spending millions, and there is less fanciful proposal and the proposal of Mr. Cubas, who is to plot a course through the waters of divorce among Nanay and Mazan, keeping consistency of the proposal but simplistic.

Loreto If you need a road, one must first solve the problem of forest and agricultural crisis, the abandonment of candoshis and environmental pollution, etc., then initiate a proposal for interconnection consensus and participation between civil society, municipalities, indigenous peoples, political parties and professional associations, to avoid wasting our scarce resources.

What many do not know is that Brazil already has its expansion plan of railway on the south, will be cheaper and will have available a large market composed of the most productive regions of the country, also, has nothing in mind, the development of the railway Iquitos - Yurimaguas, because it has the character of INTEROCEANIC NORTH Train the idea was always to join the Coast ( Bayovar), if only we unite with us without planning, but with many millions less in our public and probably accounts disused railway lines, will continue in isolation.

* Member of the Institute for Social Development Programs and Alternative Iquito ethnicity.


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