Monday, May 3, 2010

Symptoms Of The Black Death Pattern


"Indigenous peoples have the right to self determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. " ¹

The Peruvian Amazonian population, is undergoing a constant state of social and economic crisis, the most affected: indigenous peoples, adding to it, the lack of development policies in rural focus, poor vision of development held by the public and private, have become models traditionalists, who in most cases, do not respect the opinion of the actual beneficiaries, indigenous peoples, therefore, constantly negotiating a dictatorial, thus threatening not to invest more in those communities that are opposed to the model imposed by the institution, they have reached the end to blame the lack of international aid to those who do not accept their conditions, being more evident that the models to be imposed, are no longer present and above all, are no longer effective.

(Housing inappropriate to live in dignity)

Among the rights violated with They are often Convention 169 and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which set an intervention consulted and above all, participation and decision of the beneficiaries, does not, enforcement of outdated models, therefore, is not explained: how is it that you get to dictate terms, so that financial resources are, properly invested in project activities of the day to run? In violation of Article 23 of the UN Declaration, which states: "Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for exercising their right to development. In particular, indigenous peoples have the right to participate actively in developing and determining health programs, housing and other economic and social relevance to them and, where possible, to administer such programs through their own institutions. "²

On the other hand, one of the alternatives proposed by various agencies, is protection of the Peruvian forests, for which millions of dollars will be allocated through the Central Government, these funds however, are in danger of being diluted in procedures other than reality, because while there are urgent needs unmet by indigenous peoples themselves, how conservation design without providing first meeting their priority needs?, this is a very good reason to go back to redefine what should be the priorities for investing these funds.

(Rural Housing Advisory Models)

The future implementation of programs and activities of Peruvian forest conservation must consider, as the linchpin, the satisfaction of indigenous priorities in this regard, we propose the implementation of the Comprehensive Development of Amazonian Peoples: With the implementation and funding to indigenous communities with drinking water and wastewater treatment to rural focus, basic sanitary systems, adequate its reality, the provision of municipal infrastructure, for rural housing, they must protect the family of diseases, and providing children, better study environment and health, among other benefits intrinsic to rural housing in Second, solar panels and provide transportation and communications systems, they shall also resolve the problem of land, hundreds of native and rural communities, while not recognized or entitled by the State.

ironic that enormous wealth of timber exists in the communities of the Amazon, they can not do their own consumption, although the law allows , but that no additional requirements, providing, of their forest resources for subsistence, but they require the application of processing technologies, which have no indigenous persons on any scales, but by acquiring technology for building rural housing, where costs for housing, would be below the market cost, a rural home may cost only about two thousand nuevos soles (S /. 3,500.00), one thousand two hundred and fifty U.S. dollars ($ 1,250.00), also cheaper cost, making this program: the kitchen, furniture, toilets, etc., etc.

(Town "The Aguajenos" covered with basic services)

Then you could create the Comprehensive Development Program of the Amazon Biodiversity, planting fruit trees with high economic value, which serves to cover first, local demands, then, for processing and marketing of produce at fair prices, with the proper promotion and advice to indigenous peoples, providing income to farmers silvo, then these provide environmental services for which the state must provide the necessary mechanisms for its fair and equitable benefit, then, are created programs for fish farming, animal breeding, for marketing and / or processing, tourism in all its expressions, etc..

These two phases constitute two pillars of development in the Amazon, which can transform the socioeconomic situation of the indigenous Amazonian people, at least, living in she will no longer be living with an outdated system, without plans or targets, where there is disruption, in contrast, the Amazon, is indigenous to his real dream of progress and development.

* Member of the Institute for Social Development Programs and ethnicity Alternative Iquito

ยช abundant rainfall followed by periods of increased volume of low rainfall or rivers with low flow rivers.

¹ ² Universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UN


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