Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How Long Can You Wear A Corset After Giving Birth


The Peruvian Amazon is experiencing a continuous and repetitive state of crisis exclusively affecting socioeconomic to rural residents, there is no development policies focusing Amazon, and state programs implemented only obey rather limited studies as well as the fulfillment of their goals, these stocks are in a constant struggle for respect for the exclusive use of their lands or the same recognition of possession, contrary to government policy to raise extractive more foreign exchange for the exclusive benefit works for coastal towns and other cities other than the Amazon, the Amazon, not without any reason, since the Amazon, indigenous land the highest percentage of extracted oil, which then reversed only 10% investment in the region, however this then invest in the capital of each district of the Amazon, marginalized rural populations who have their own models of planning and development.

The Peruvian Amazon above 50% of the country, here are half a hundred ethnic or ancestral nations, their way of life is governed by the growing seasons (also known as winter) season (summer) from Amazonian rivers, periods that do not follow a precise weather calendar for possible effects of global warming in this region, the summer months usually starts in June to July, continued from November to January, the growing season starts from September to October and peaks in April and May according to data from monitoring of the Peruvian Navy, forcing the inhabitants to carry out activities in line with the volume rivers, such as hunting seasons, fishing and agriculture began in the summer and winter seasons are for mobilizing forest and catching fish for consumption migrants.

It is also essential that these changes do not conflict seasons to avoid disturbing the normal economic performance and diet of the population, while the rise of the rivers not jump to avoid flooding the crops of the summer, further that, the summer will not be delayed for it to be appropriate for different crops ripen in short maturing crop (rice, maize, beans, peanuts, vegetables, etc..) and to harvest before winter comes time needed for fish to spawn normally, and there is also a strong dependency between the phenomena of climate and biodiversity, as well as forests need rain, fish also need plenty of water to spawn The fry need of food found only in times of floods, so that early or late arrival of summer, affects the normal spawning microbiological species affected the reproduction, undermining the power of rural populations and catches of consumer specimens for subsequent years.

Hence, any change by more mild, causing serious damage to local biodiversity, as well as the rural economy of the Amazon, on the other hand it would be question to ask how solve the main problems of this part of the world, especially the lowland, will it be to build more hospitals and medical centers, building more schools and training teachers ethnic? "Building railroads expensive regardless of the most basic priorities of the rural dwellers?, Only to promote more investment in health and education sectors, wrongly neglected other sectors that are fundamental to the development of these populations, such as creating diversified programs reforestation potential "trees of the future", they neglect the housing conditions of these populations, who lack adequate housing and latrines, have no water, no sewage to wastewater treatment, have no clean energies such as solar panels do not have good systems transport and communications, without which no more hospitals and schools improve one hundred years or their lives, so how will change this reality if we want rural development and also protect the planet?.

(poor and decent housing)

Some think that giving more land to indigenous people, others who manage these lands as areas conservation community with technical and financial support, in both cases there is no successful experiences, but a strong advertising campaign that is only intended to raise funds for international cooperation, these proposals are unfounded by lack of respect for traditional knowledge, since it seeks to impose traditional development systems before rescuing the ancient knowledge in this context should be conceived priority development meeting the most urgent needs of rural indigenous villager last:

In the first phase, create the Comprehensive Development of Amazonian Peoples: With the implementation of care programs by providing them with potable water systems and sewage treatment systems, basic hygiene appropriate to their reality, the provision of municipal infrastructure for rural housing, they should protect the family of diseases and provide children with better learning environments and health, among other benefits intrinsic secondly to provide solar panels and transport and communications systems minimum additionally must solve the land problem of hundreds of native and rural communities not yet recognized, no title, etc.

In the second phase, create the Comprehensive Development of Amazon Biodiversity, planting fruit trees with high economic value, which serve to meet local demands, then for the processing and marketing of crops at fair prices with the proper promotion and giving advice to their silvo income farmers, indigenous peoples, then provide environmental services for which the state must provide the necessary mechanisms for its fair profit and equitable, then it will create programs for fish farming, animal breeding, for marketing and / or processing for sale to large scale, successful alternative is to promote tourism in all its expressions, etc..

These two phases are the two pillars of development in the Amazon that can transform the socio-economic Amazonian indigenous population, at least live in it ceases to be living with an outdated system, without plans or targets, where there is disruption, in contrast, the Amazon will be for the Indian his real dream of progress and development.

* Member of the Institute for Social Development Programs Alternative


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