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Another Excerpt from the book and the cover was not dead

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Basic Glossary
Selective Breeding Line Breeding
: called line breeding to any variant of fins and / or color set, so that passing a couple of copies the same line, producing 100% of offspring with similar genetic identities. There are some exceptions as in the case of multiple allelic genes, in which case the offspring is altered by a small number of variations from the original line (as the case of genes that produce Halfmoon Deltas, Superdeltas, Halfmoon, and Rosetail Overhalfmoon, or as the case of the gene that produces phenotypes Marble Marble and Piebald, as well as changes in lines for color). Although this point is discussed in detail below, is critical to begin to distinguish between pure specimens and guidelines established: all pure specimens for the feature, have the lines set out for such features (color, fins, ...), but Not all established lines correspond to pure specimens (the reason is simple, to consider a copy of "pure" for a feature, you can not carry more genes that produce the trait and this should not be a feature composed of several features (not valid for composite lines and therefore does not apply to most varieties of fins because most are based on several features). For example, a pure red copy only carries genes R (Red 1). One which I have other genes in addition to red, but that change the color instead of the typical color print (Blond, Red loss, Opaque, Spread Iridiscence, White eye, ... (are excluded from this rule genes do not print alter the color but red pattern (marble, Piebald, Butterfly ,...) for not producing red sole copies) will be valid as such cells but not pure red in the strict sense of the word. also come into play here two concepts associated with the line set: Simple lines (all clean lines, and consist of a single gene, and all lines established monochrome (as in the case of valid red)) and Composite lines (formed by several genes that print color (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Orange, melano, black lace) and may carry genes that modify the color instead of printing your own (Blond, Red loss, Opaque, Spread Iridiscence, White eye, butterfly, Cambodian, marble, piebald).

finnage: This concept is a classic in the breeding of Betta, among other species, corresponding in this case to the perfection of the individual morphological or in other words, how perfect is the overall composition of the fish's physical features (a combination of fins and associated features, based on IBC standards that mark the perfection of features in each of the main wing vairedades Betta Splendens .) In some cases this concept finnage features extending from the fin to the color, to judge the overall composition of the line (for example, a male Red Butterfly Halfmoon, where in addition to the fins judge the quality of the feature butterfly in fish). Establishment

line: In selective breeding is vital mix of features for new features, so it is important line from place to have the most control over the genes involved for each cross design. That said, when we begin to cross lines set to 2 we get predictable results, exemplary carriers (phenotype to genotype b, where "a" and "b" are 2 different features of the same nature) and the broken line, this being past who forces us to establish a trait we want to perpetuate in an orderly way, the establishment of the line allows us to fix a trait and get a new breeding line. To set a line we must go by selective breeding for at least 4 generations, where we discard the worst specimens conforming to employer to establish as a line of breeding and select for breeding the best carriers of "finnage" to set as the breeding line.

Breaking the line: The broken line is tantamount to breaking the order of transmission of a particular trait (the associated with the broken line), so that the cross more than 2 genes of similar nature through different specimens (eg red x mustard gas (blue and yellow)) usually break the line. To better understand the scope of the broken line, noted that the crossing 2 pure specimens for different traits of the same nature (eg yellow x red) gives a red genotype yellow, except in cases of equal degree of dominance (dominant x dominant or recessive x recessive) where there may be Inheritance Intermediate (mix of features). Thus, we have a copy genotype red yellow across 2 samples of this type will get 25% pure red, pure yellow 25% and 50% red yellow genotype, representing some order and maintenance of 2 color lines established red and yellow. Thus, the broken line means altering the balance of the offspring, adding more genes to the equation, when a specimen has several genes in phenotype or genotype and its transmission to offspring is random (not inherited the same thing, as alternate location of genes of parents randomly), we say that the line is broken (broken line), then produce no offspring pure specimens ordered online or set. Inbreeding

: This term accounts for the crosses that we made among relatives, with a practice so common among breeders as dangerous for the production of healthy individuals. Excessive inbreeding causes defective seed, injured with mutations, deformities and bent spines. A closer relationship, more likely to produce offspring defective, being the most undesirable parental level set between siblings, especially if they are children of brothers (since this increases even more likely to get poor results). In the section on Breeding Lines shows how to set or maintain a line, generation after generation, from a couple of copies brothers, cleaning exerted by inbreeding inbreeding. Clean

line: This concept is the step prior to the establishment of a line, where applying the same standard of selective breeding we try to isolate a particular feature of the other features present in the offspring, eg by removing the orange and the yellow copy of a blue-yellow-orange, until pure blue copy with no yellow or orange genes in phenotype or genotype. Not always seeks to obtain a pure specimen, but generally seek to eliminate unwanted features, leaving only those desired.

F0 Generation or Generation P: parental generation know as the couple of players from which extends a line during establishment or during the process of improving the line. Thus the parental generation is known as P (paternal) or F0 (branch 0). Generation

Fn: Used to describe generation progeny (offspring) in the process of establishment of the line or in the process of improving the line established. In this case, n is the number equivalent to the generation in order of appearance, and F1 is the first generation of descendants, F2 the second, ...

Phenotype: We simply define the term phenotype as "what we see in the individual", ie, the set of features that are visible.

Genotype: the same way and to complete the explanation, we can define as any feature genotype carrying an individual but does not show, or put another way "what is not." Thus, a specimen with red and yellow genes show red to dominate against the yellow trait (phenotype), but yellow genes will continue despite not showing (genotype).
What order is a feature to stay in phenotype or genotype? Essentially dominance; a gene "A", dominant over another gene, "a" (front recessive gene A) is displayed on phenotype of the individual, leaving the recessive gene "a" relegated to hiding in the genotype, waiting to be present 2 times to manifest in the phenotype with dominant genes.



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