Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Scholarships For Studying Medicine In Canada



In Peru, you never realize Programs Indian-focused homes, much less to focus on the Amazonian ethnic groups, although these programs are run regularly, in other Amazonian countries. In Peru, still is evaluating whether to approve a project called Rural Housing for Indigenous Communities, which will allow the construction of five thousand (5,000) households in the Amazon, for it has been proposed a rural housing model of wood called "The Aguajeno "(see photo), the dwelling shall be composed of components used in most developed nations, such as basic furniture, including number of beds, tables and chairs for the kitchen is suggested, the aggregate a solar cooker and supplied with latrines, being added, it is of utmost urgency, to accompany the communities with solar power and potable water systems and drains, communal style, where the costs are really low a comparison of costs in large cities.

(Modulo rural housing "The Aguajeno")

In the future, visit these people, will be accompanied by colorful and, above all, you can find, healthy people, living in perfect harmony with nature, with homes more livable, for its good quality, favoring the studious child, who may have better school performance, not to mention other benefits that are inherent to housing, with higher quality conditions, without however, put aside their own customs and traditions.
To make the project has had, to consult with many ethnic representatives, to gather suggestions and input, hoping that the rural housing "The Aguajeno" represents the best alternative housing for the inhabitants of the Amazon indigenous, primarily from the forest floor, which are characteristic to have flood areas, seasons of rain from February to May.
On the other hand, the request of the undersigned, to additionally include indigenous people in the Residential Housing Program with Bonus Techo Propio, it had an unfortunate response, by technicians, the city of Lima, who wrote the first Supreme Decree N ยบ 008-2009-HOUSING, second on 02 December 2009, issued Ministerial Resolution No. 320-2009-HOUSING, which unfortunately exclude the Amazonian Indians, for the following reasons:

a. This resolution or Operating Regulations access to family bonus housing in rural areas for the modalities of implementation, on-site construction and home improvement "excludes tacit, indigenous communities, since it is required that in order to be established a beneficiary must demonstrate cash income, and above all, be in possession of individual title also adds, that must be established in population centers from 150 to 2.500 inhabitants, which, they obey the following facts :

b. Loreto indigenous communities are mostly farmers single, no dependents, so it is impossible to prove minimum income.

c. Indigenous communities have not individually but collectively, with all its inhabitants, have a single title for all the people, demand for individual titles, is an exclusion, as potential beneficiaries of the Bono, on the other hand, this different benefits in the Amazon, only to settlers who purchase individual titles.

d. In Loreto, indigenous communities, have an average of about fifty families, require at least 150, could mean neglecting communities better organized, less population, while those in the highest risk areas and border areas.

e. The bonus, in these places, not necessarily must, be established in very high amounts, as is employed preferably local materials and their implementation as a whole, would result in a greater population coverage.

Contrary to expectations, this is totally contrary to the request, because, before the undersigned, and had written an article with suggestions to avoid this situation, but nothing seems to have an effect to a blind and insensitive bureaucracy. They recommended: "... run preferably with the use of local resources, will reduce the amount of BFH of S /. 17,750.00 to S /. 3,500.00 nuevos soles or a reduction of 80% for rural households to build five per BHF .... " But, did just the opposite.

Indians have traditionally capacity builders in their own homes, are also excellent hunters, farmers, artisans and collectors, among other skills, thus we are confident that their active participation is expected.