Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Looking For Paregoric

Links to download articles and tutorials



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Maintenance and behavior

Bettas Basic Maintenance:

Educating Betta:

Alfa Group:

Correct Order introduction to the aquarium:

fins About:


Biology / Ichthyology

Your Betta and Oxygen:


The Labyrinth of your Betta and tank cover (new)


Feeding Betta Splendens:

Reproduction Reproduction of Betta : http

: / /

Inciting players:

Tutorial , How to cross your Bettas (1), Technique of the 2 boats

Tutorial, How to cross your Bettas (2), prompting the male: http:/


Tutorial, How to cross your Bettas (3), prompting the female:


Tutorial, How to cross your Bettas (4), 25 classic mistakes:

Breeding Riding a
intensive breeding Bettas:

Bettas Transportation:

(temporarily unavailable)


Raising fry and get them in size:


About breeding lines:


CT, approaching the crowntail (Part I):
Bettas sexual dimorphism:

Genetics Betta Gen

Codex, 2 nd Edition (Part I):

Blond, but unknown gene for color:


Mb and pb, the indomitable marble genes: pdf

Butterfly, butterfly gene:

Technical / Science

Hormones, sex reversal and genetic manipulation:

establish a scientific method in your studies :


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can I Use Expired Nystatin?

fins About Proper Introduction

S i thing that defines the "splendor" of Betta, in addition to their color compositions, are their peculiar fins, it is the majesty of the varieties long-finned either combative appearance of short fins.

health of our dogs, and the quality of their finnage depend on the treatment and care they give to their fins, among other things, in other words, fins a decisive influence on the health and quality (relative standards) of our Bettas.

then try address various technical factors and take into account regarding our Bettas fins.


P roviding appropriate values \u200b\u200bis a key factor in the care and development of the fins of our horses, respecting some basic precepts that may conflict with the usual information that comes about care and maintenance of the Betta.

Contrary to popular thought associated with the Betta, encouraged by his fame to withstand up to 2 months in a puddle the size of a footprint of beef (thanks to the labyrinth and survivor's instinct), we control the quality of the water frequently and ensure their correct values, to do otherwise is to promote diseases such as fin rot, septicemia, parasites, fungi and a whole repertoire of illnesses. Respect

values \u200b\u200b"healthy" for both NO2 and NO3, as we do with other fish, it depends largely on proper maintenance of your Bettas. The labyrinth does not protect them from contamination.

The pH should be set to an optimal range situated between 6.5 and 7.5.

GH should not exceed 16 º but the ideal value lies between 3 and 6, so take care to maximize the quality of the fins, especially in copies of fins long and weak (veiltail, crowntail and halfmoon, mainly) , for which it is also advisable to allocate at least 2-3 liters of volume at least ..

Water temperature is crucial for the proper development of fish in general and especially fins, the fins are provided with capillaries that carry blood and allowing the copy to display in full and at its best fins (reason The program is also important to exercise our Bettas). It noted the ripple effect exerted by the cold water on crowntail radios (and other variants that show radios) and inactivity in the fish that fosters lethargy of the fish (why let unfold the detriment fins of development and maintenance).

maintenance The ideal temperature is 27 º C. Exercising


D rom very early years we will strive for the development and maintenance of our Bettas fins, exercises that are to be periodic and non-point, considering the physical effort of fish each year we will have to establish safety margins for not exhausting and even harm your health.

As I introduce in the article "Creating players, there are several exercises based on physical exertion and in visual contact with other specimens, why not repeat myself avoiding filled with more of the same.

Instead, this section will tell you about the importance of these exercises to the smooth development of our stock.

5 minutes a day of physical exertion, either with water pumps, with aerators or other items or exercises will be enough to keep fit and well developed (physically) to our Bettas. It is true that there are techniques that apply to permanent and other alternative mode but longer and provided with various intervals, but generally these exercises are not physically exhausted our fish.

Equally important is to respect water conditions that keep if you move to to develop the exercise, temperature, ph, gh, NO2, NO3 ,..., is also essential to ensure to minimize the impact of stress that we pour over the fish to exercise and to ensure their well being and the integrity of their immune system (which is weakened by the impact of stress on the fish and most likely affects disease).

Why is it important to exercise the fins and from when we take action?, It is important for the proper development of the same, otherwise degenerate into little fins stunted size, attenuated weakness in its constitution and, ultimately, the finnage the specimen. Exercise for the fins undertaken once defined their sex, ie, beyond the threshold of 2 months of life can get down to work. After reaching

physical fitness, do we prolong or stop the exercises?, We continue with the exercises to make a good maintenance of the fins, while we lower the frequency and intensity of the same, and may delegate the exercise Betta compositions of mixed (multiple cages to host cells Bettas), where work will be ongoing, daily and devoid of stress, due to the high visual contact with the opposite sex and the limited impact of eye contact with individuals of the same sex.

A Betta distribute it in such mixed so that each fish has cells around parallel and diagonal cells as well, alternating male and female specimens of a balanced system.


As shown, for any cell of 1 male (M), for example, we have: M-

- M - H

Where we see the parallel cells (which share crystal cell of the male and where visual impact is total) contain females (and female cells get the same effect with males). Therefore, the incentive is permanent, forcing the deployment of fins daily.

On the other hand, in diagonal we have:


Where the visual impact is greatly reduced to be the corners of each cell in the line of sight of the copies of the same sex. (Get the same effect for females). Thus, stress also reduced the maximum within the Betta.

Care fins, or obligation in the Bettas keeping

A lgo what needs to get used in the care of Bettas, is the inevitable work of healing and repairing the wings of the same, whether a wound, whether a condition, we take in the matter and not entrusted with the task of recovery in their ability to regenerate.

first thing we have to consider are the conditioners, which create favorable conditions in the medium (the aquarium water) for the care of scales and fins, including 2 treatments on the rest by far, on one hand we have the stress coat aloe vera-based, easy to prepare home and also available in a commercial, on the other hand there to highlight the Terminalia catappa, known as Indian almond and whose leaves are also commonly known (among aquarists) as an oak leaf. Use of Terminalia revolves around its leaves, green leaves maturing serving in the aquarium (up to 1 week), leaves (directly into the aquarium or infusion, after boiling in water) but it is possible to get commercial products Terminalia based mainly (noted for its flagship product, Atison Betta Spa, Ocean Nutrition).

When repairing a damaged fin ALWAYS there to cure before trying to recover, and once cured the condition, we turn to the recovery of the flap. For quick and successful recovery of the fins have different methods of high efficiency:

-Terminalia Catappa: In addition to use as a conditioner so we can use as a generator of fins, it has certain properties that go beyond the ordinary to the care of our Bettas: help showing the colors, create a bactericide in the middle layer (thanks to the intervention of tannins secreted), leads to reproduction, regeneration of fins, slightly lower the pH, helps regulate renal, prevents rot before minor peaks nitrogen (not a safeguard against rot if the contamination is exceeded, but it is a good preventive bacterial blooms). (NOTE ON TERMINALIA: the use of in the middle Terminalia affects the sex ratio of rates, favoring females compared to males (in the count of the offspring).
healing: They are indeed faster than Terminalia generally provided as components that place good preventive, including 2 on the remaining products: Hobby Ektozon (and its second version, Sanoxon) and Sera Ektopur.

-dried banana leaves (this tip is owed to Azucena Gual, Petite Diablesa, who recently published on his blog, Blue Spirits.): Based on the use of dried leaves of the banana leaf like Terminalia dry it were, adding them to aquarium. As with Terminalia, the water will turn brown (indicative of segregation of the tannins). This treatment includes both the regeneration of fins as the eradication of some diseases in fins and body, emphasizing its effect on inflammation of the eyes and mild attacks of fungi.

fins through breeding

N or go into explanations or extensions genetic cross diagrams to establish lines or features, instead, not to extend this article will address a couple of points of interest.

first thing to consider with respect to the fins, breeder's perspective, is the undesirable result that our dogs suffer some deterioration in their fins, the reason is simple, following an illness or injury, despite recover and regenerate, it will never be the same, thus, any damage suffered by the fins of a betta will directly affect its finnage (which could be summarized roughly as fins in the specimen, taking into account the standards set for the array of fins that copy).

is important to distinguish between the genetics of fish that defines the same variety of fins and finnage the same fish, which despite being grounded in genetics focuses on the concrete quality of the fins. Thus, we can and must choose the best specimens finnage when selecting players to perpetuate a particular line, because despite not differ in the genes that produce the trait differ in quantitative inheritance (the amount, distribution, geometry, length, ...).

There are cases where the quantitative inheritance influences but not decisive for the whole, generally in cases of multiple allelic genes, which are genes that have different expressions and therefore, the crossing of any of them with an equal status you get all the expressions of the gene, making it practically impossible to harbor a gene expression (variation) so that only produce offspring of the same variation (see the case of HM, Det, SDET and OHM).


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sale Your Blood In Chicago

Order Refill items

This article seeks to clarify a matter always forgotten, sometimes ignored even when he is a decisive factor for the proper maintenance of our Bettas. I mean, as evidenced by the title of this article, the correct order of introduction at the Aquarium. Many users

blunders committed by ignorance, misinformation usually guided by their own hands or inexperienced (in the case of some new users), since the order in which we introduce each member of the aquarium, in a project that will Bettas, it is very important and sensitive and should not neglect the basic requirements for the maintenance of Bettas "outside the individual containers or Betta", ie aquarium with more than 1 or more Betta 1 fish, including at least have 1 Betta.


When keeping Bettas must be organized as soon as our space, and be clear about what tanks are for what function (breeding, maintenance, hospital ,...) should be considered fish will stay in them, from the beginning and the completion of a project (for example, an Asian Bettas and compatible companions Asian) based on these considerations, we will act in one way or another when introducing Bettas.

basic rules to keep BETTA

For a single tank or container, is a Betta or a tank of 20 liters, where no more than 1 Betta introduce will not make distinctions or handle any order of introduction.

GOLDEN RULE FOR MAINTENANCE Better: never introduce 2 male Betta in the same tank, avoiding fights that result in deaths.

GOLDEN RULES FOR PARTNERS OF THE Better: Before stating 1 tip, make a deaf ear to stories that contradict basic precepts of behavior Bettas with other fish, your fish are at stake:

2) NO schooling fish


1) CHUPALGAS: chupaalgas Chinese ancystrus, plecosomus ...
2) groundfish peaceful and quiet: corydoras, Khulisa, botias caraballo ...
3) EXCEPTIONALLY CRYSTALS CAN MAKE JAVA, a transparent Silurids Asian, shoal but peaceful and night, will not trouble your Bettas
4) Invertebrates (excluding crayfish and prawns cherry), freshwater mussels, shrimp of different species, snails (apple and highlight its work cleaning Planorbis ),...
5) LIVE FOOD COMPATIBLE WITH THE MEDIA: We introduce a large colony of live food in the aquarium (if existing filtration is not a problem for it), so that our Betta live with the colony of daphnia from which power whenever it is hungry (supplementing their diet), or living together for hours or one day with newly hatched Artemia naupilos an interior artemiero ( installed inside the aquarium to produce food in real time without user intervention ),... (It is important not to introduce parasitic species, annoying as mosquitoes (if indoors) and unable to survive in the environment (ie, we can not raise shrimp, along with our Betta as we do with the daphnia, also, the grindal or the worm will have a short lifespan in the water, so planting in the aquarium does not proliferate.)


To get a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe problems associated with keeping Bettas in these circumstances, first introduce the basic relations of the various parties involved and the "territory" (whenever we work with territorial fish, we must assume that we keep the aquarium where it becomes "their" territory.)

1.Relación between male Betta and territory "Betta": The nature of the male Betta makes autocratic role grounded in the law of the strongest, ie send 1 individual on the other, imposing its position through force. A male must have its own territory and will play with any other male an invasion of their territory. A male conspecifics expect it to be the undisputed authority and a young male will be rejected by females.

To define an area of \u200b\u200bBettas (an aquarium maintenance) the first thing to enter, first of all, no partner or female, the first thing we introduce is the "only" male territory, to establish their territory (it is a land survey work available and confidence in himself, this must be only the beginning).

2.A ratio of the female Betta and territory: The nature of the female is dual in the aggressive behavior on one hand, they show submissive and evasive to a territory led by a dominant male that does not show weakness to the other inhabitants of the aquarium instead, with other females weak or new to the territory, as that when a new male arrived in their territory (female) are shown aggressive and assume the role of male to define the territory to the other and impose their "domain" of it.

A female in a hostile manner with another female, usually seeks the submission of the last to his mastery of territory:

A female in a male hostility in principle looks the same as with a female but with a more hostile by male submissive displays, as well as to an increased weakness of the male (if it knew) would be subject to rejection and possible attacks by the female to the male "weak."

3.Relación peer with the territory:

best to avoid stressful situations for partners and facilitate the male does not lose confidence in yourself or time to create the territory, is to stop the introduction of peer to last, but once introduced into the territory will not be necessary to remove them for the introduction of new Bettas, except the arrival of a new male had to replace (in which case it is best to remove them all, break up any territory created and start from 0 with the correct order)

could say in summary, that if the design of a project should be designed Bettas Betta around (seeing what is not suitable for him), in the territory design is all about the male.


Answers To Wards Ap Biology Lab 2

Sorry for the recharging of the last articles ... had problems with the database and had to remove and re-publicarlos.disculpad the inconvenience.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sentences About Juice

sexual dimorphism in

This entry is from a response to prepare for a long time partner portal fish, take the opportunity to replicate here because of its usefulness and demand for information by users in other forums ...

To distinguish a male from a female, you have several things in mind:

-the ovipositor (the white dot between the base of the pelvic fins) is characteristic of females, but sometimes there are males who are the espermiducto and can be mistaken for a female.

-playing the famous stripes are dark vertical stripes that leave the female at the time of being prompted for breeding, but has several drawbacks: 1) not all color lines show me the famous lines of play (see for example some lines of white, yellow ,...), 2) some colored compounds (especially if they are not setting the line) are efine sind during the first months (the fish has a diffuse color and several dark horizontal stripes, such as reproduction) 3) only show the lines if they are encouraged to
-fins of males have more volume and sometimes better color (this happens in many colors compounds)

-the mouth of Bettas is characteristic, but the males differ from females in a basic feature of these have the lower jaw projected upward, which puts them lower lip almost to the same height as the top (females have sharp jaw betta typical but not project the bottom of is up.

-males have another characteristic feature (most pronounced in lines Plakat, Halfmoon, Plakat, ...) which is a kind of hump shape in the line that goes from the front of the dorsal fin and the head; responsibility as traced from the dorsal to the mouth of the stroke is similar to an "S". On the contrary, females do not usually draw this hump but the curve drawn from the dorsal to the head is so slight that just have a few degrees of difference from a straight line.

female (not very big but it makes the stroke)

male (You can see the difference in the strokes)


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Flamingo Nebo Pštrosí?


dynamic psychotherapy can establish a relationship between patient and therapist 'in which both are committed to working on the theme convener. The impression of the therapy is "aware", allowing the drill through the technique, to evolve in the patient's difficulties, which hinder, block or interfere with their daily actions.
Within the specialty of Phoniatrics and a BA in Psychology I am dedicated to psychotherapy in relation to blockages in the communication
Many people have difficulty in exprersarse orally either against a party or public or audience. The difficulty speaking in front of others may have several origins. In Psycho-Phoniatrics, it works the patient's self-esteem, unlocking the laryngeal area, the disinhibition of personality through vocal technique exercises, including respiratory learning cost-diaphragm, which increases air flow to facilitate the issuance of the voice, avoiding vocal fatigue, neuromuscular relaxation, which is to relax the contractions of the cervical and larynx, to prevent the channel of communication: the larynx find contracture, or have sense of constriction or narrow = narrow = narrow
family mandates lead in most cases to close and avoid setting discussions with the word or exposure to events public or colloquial, an example of this is listening:
"you shut up, you know, mouth closed, do not talk, do not go, not think about the issue, you sing like a dog, get in yours and a few promising designs like these.
Of course, if added to this base is a vulnerable personality, it is not surprising that someone prefers to remain silent before passing the litmus test to intervene in a conversation. Thus
were closing the channels of communication, talking less and less vocal hastadesconocer's identity. The voice is our letter of introduction, from all situcion we turned to talk to express feelings, desires and needs. When the vocal cords are in perfect health, can become ill from nodules or dysphonia because this is a good way to avoid speaking, is the way the body screams his nmecesidades as in many other diseases, which are denominana psychosomatic. What
silent voice, the body hurts, cry in the soul., Not to speak of what we feel, not sharing the thoughts, projects, ideas, what a way makes the body a kind of shield that isolates the area, but within which there is a being who cries and suffers.
phoniatric Psychotherapy helps to reveal the sung voice exercises, putting sounds in facial resonators, for volume, brightness, hue, and on .... enjoy singing, making sounds powerful, vibrant being transmitted to all body, awakening the vital energy by releasing endorphins, hormones that change the mood, and birth to our own sound, which nature gives us, and we can retrain to ring with all the voice, and we love the magic of singing act


Nora Elena BA Fonoaudióloga
m. 1914

teacher professional singer vocal technique for singing, voice, actors
Rehabilitation of dysphonia, nodules, professional vocal training hiatus

professor of speech, vocal technique in the Belgrano Arts Theatre, 1998
voice of actor training. Teatro Fray Mocho, 2003
Director of course "The art of mastering the voice" in the Asociacion Medica Argentina 2007
Professor of vocal technique, management of the actor's voice in the "Council of Economic Sciences, extension Cultural Theatre Group Professor of Phonology 2010-2011
in locution, income, individual training of the speaker's voice, communications, journalism degree in Psychology mp
Disinhibition versus public / audience
Management of speech, self-esteem, shyness
Psychotherapy dynamics, release of emotions,
Intern annual postgraduate Htal Durand "psychosomatic approach to organic pathologies" No. 2007
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychosomatic Medicine Uba Fac of Medicine 2008

-nora-yelena www-clarion-blog-com

4.861.9220 Monday through Friday from 11 to 20 hours

Monday, July 6, 2009

Top Of Rhe Knee Skirts

Betta aquarium Convention bloggers

'm sending out invitations to a convention of bloggers in aquariums, to improve performance and increase your traffic blogs.

this message is an invitation to participate, if you are interested in attending you pass the details of assistance:

-the objective of the convention is to create a development team blogs (aquarium) to amplify the traffic participants .
-for those who need design improvements will be made for your project in the face of search engines and traffic
-the convention is a forum for developers of aquariums, a blog is closed and all access areas require a level conreto.
-the address is
-to participate must register and send me an email when this fact to activate your account and give The convention permits
-once the convention, if you decide to participate in the development group blogs to benefit your own project, you change the permissions to log in to the area for
-if you decide not to participate, just send email to terminate your registration

I hope you decide to attend this convention and if you decide not to, I also appreciate the time given for this entry. Salu2